
My name is Sleydo’ (aka Molly Wickham). I am the spokesperson for Gidimt’en checkpoint.29 of my comrades and I were arrested by RCMP in November 2021 for following Wet’suwet’en law and standing up for our rights. On 7 July, the Crown decided to pursue criminal contempt charges against myself and 3 others making a total of 19 of us facing criminal contempt. They have chosen the side of genocide, following laws and courts that have been the tools of colonial oppression for centuries.

I would like to thank you those who supporting us and called on David Eby to not pursue criminal charges. Thank you for joining the fight. I am now writing to invite you into the broader, organized allied effort to support our struggle.

You can start by clicking here and signing the petition to get the RCMP off our land.

We have called upon allies at Decolonial Solidarity to go after the Royal Bank of Canada, the primary funder of the pipeline. If they pull their money, Coastal GasLink is in trouble. We need to pressure the bank from all angles until they either pull their money out or face the consequences of mass opposition to their continued profiting off stealing our land.

Settler allies are invited to take part in mass political action in support of Gidimt’en Checkpoint through the Decolonial Solidarity group’s adopt a branch campaign.There are currently 28 settler groups rallying regularly and calling for our rights to be respected. You can support the network by going to their Linktree, Instagram, or Twitter.

Click here to sign the petition and tell the RCMP to get off the Yintah!

The Supreme Court of Canada, under the Delgamuukw v. British Columbia legal case, recognized that the Wet’suwet’en people never ceded our title to our land. The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples stipulates that we must give free, prior, and informed consent to questions of land use; UNDRIP has been passed into law by both British Columbia and Canada. Over and over, the governments of both so-called British Columbia and Canada have paid lip service to reconciliation, claiming they respect Indigenous peoples’ rights.

Yet, the Coastal Gaslink pipeline is being rammed through our territory without our consent, enabled by the governments of so-called British Columbia and Canada and funded by a consortium of banks and private equity companies. We face losing our land, our water, and our way of life. We need to continue building a determined opposition to hold those responsible for this colonial project to account. We must rise up in mass opposition against this project and others like it.

If you’re able to commit to long-term action, click here to join a DS group in your area.

Or, sign the petition here.

The Decolonial Solidarity campaign is growing and preparing to expand. There will be more opportunities to get involved. I invite you to stay tuned for when the time comes!  



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