As we all deal with a global pandemic with COVID-19, we wanted to let you know how the Sierra Club is adapting and responding so we can keep doing the important work of helping our communities, protecting our natural and human environment and fighting for a just, clean energy future.
This might be a new low, even for the oil industry. We just learned that Big Oil is trying to wring as much cash out of the pandemic as possible by demanding lower royalties for drilling on public lands. This would amount to a bailout for the oil industry — and a free pass to raid our lands for profit while the rest of the world is in crisis. It could also leave the country short of funds needed for recovery in the months and years ahead.
This bailout would provide zero benefit for the general public. In fact, it would cheat taxpayers out of billions of dollars that could benefit those who are suffering in this pandemic. Trump’s EPA is already waiving pollution controls for fossil fuel companies right now, and an oil bailout would do nothing to address the current public health and climate crises.
While healthcare workers are scrambling for basic personal protective gear, Big Oil is still getting the red carpet treatment. At a time when he should be focused on aiding the most vulnerable Americans, Trump made time for an in-person meeting with executives from Chevron, Exxon Mobil, and Occidental Petroleum on Friday.1
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