Backbone Campaign

Backbone Campaign took a deep dive last week into solutionary ideas for local resilience when we interviewed Judy Wicks – an expert on local living economies – and a group of time bank experts last week.

If you missed the two calls we had, you can watch the Judy Wicks Interview HERE and the Time Bank Conversation Here.

Judy Wicks is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, speaker and mentor, working to build a more compassionate, environmentally sustainable, and locally-based economy.

Founder of Philadelphia’s landmark White Dog Cafe, Ms. Wicks is author of “Good Morning Beautiful Business” and her current projects include: All Together Now PA, Circle of Aunts and Uncles, and Proud Pennsylvania. For more info, visit her website,

Backbone Campaign is grateful to Judy for sharing her wisdom and insights gained over decades of work. Watch and see if you agree that going back to “normal” is unacceptable. Only forward – never backward. #ReMakeTheWorld

Thank you, Diane Wittner, co-producer of our Solutionary Perspectives series for organizing and hosting this interview.

Backbone Campaign believes that Time Banking is a useful tool for lifting quality of life and building resilient local economies in this time of pandemic and system failures. As access to the monetary system and traditional employment are threatened, community connections are a source of well being, health and political power. Edgar Cahn refers to this as the “core economy.”

We are looking into reviving a local community time bank in our Vashon Island community. We also want to share our research and learning process with communities and change agents wherever they are.

Edgar Cahn is the Father of Time Banking. He and his wife, Christine Gray, former Executive Director of TimeBanks USA, were our guests for a 1-hour conversation on time banking as a tool for local resilience and connection. They were joined by Micaela Salatino, of Long Beach Time Exchange and Tamsen Spengler of West Seattle Time Bank. Thank you all for an inspired conversation about the power of community.

We know our activism is stronger when local communities are fighting to protect the places and beings they love. Local solutions and economies are the cornerstone of a resilient community, as we #RemakeOurWorld.

We will have additional interviews and forums in the coming weeks, including a conversation with Platform’s Jane Trowell today (Wednesday, 4/15).  Sign up to join that interview HERE, and watch our website Calendar for additional Conversations.

If you value these educational interviews, bringing unique perspectives to pandemic times, please consider making a donation.  All contributions are appreciated!

Thank you for being part of this work, as we resculpt our society into a future that serves all.

Forward Together!

– Bill and Amy

PS Thank you to Vashon Island Artist Britt Freda for creating the poster below, for Backbone’s newest project, Vashon Resilience.

Backbone Campaign ·
Backbone Campaign LogoPO Box 278, Vashon, WA 98070, United States
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* Thank YOU for supporting the Backbone Campaign located in Vashon, WA. Backbone Campaign is registered with Washington State’s Charities Program as required by law and additional information is available by calling 800-332-4483 or visiting

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