These resources were collected with the goal of best supporting the resilient network of 350 US groups during the emergence of COVID-19. This is a living doc intended for local groups to share within their organization and communities. It will be updated daily on most weekdays (last updated 3/18/20).
Preparing & Planning for Upcoming Events, Strikes & Actions
- Toolkit: Plan Now to Adapt to Coronavirus Safety (Prepared by 350 Arts Organizer, David Solnit)
- Planifica Ahora para Adaptarte a Posibles Restricciones por Coronavirus (Toolkit above in Spanish)
- U.S. Talking Points on Coronavirus
- USA Stop the Money Pipeline will Take April Actions Online ( press release)
- Caring Across Distance: Some Things to Consider Before Movement Gatherings During COVID-19 (Maryse Mitchell-Brody)
- WHO’s Guidelines on Organizing Mass Gatherings
- Strike with Us (Youth Coalition) is Collecting Creative Ideas for Online Earth Day/ Week Mobilizing Here
- “Bonus Episode” from Healing Justice podcast: “Should we cancel? Coronavirus, travel & organizing (podcast– scroll down to the end of the page for this part)
A Comprehensive List of Tips, Tools, and Examples for Event Organizers During the Coronavirus Outbreak (tools for community builders, CMX)
- Grants List (in process doc) for US Local Groups Seeking Funding Sources
- Beautiful Trouble’s Irreverent Guide to Activism in the Time of Pandemic
Online Facilitation Tools/ Resources
- Training for Change’s Free Trainings in Online Facilitation (in March, register soon!)
- Training for Change’s Upcoming Public Workshops
- Eileen Flanagan’s Course on Online Teaching & Facilitation
- Resources for Online Meetings, Classes, and Events (long list of uncurated materials)
- Facilitating online meetings & trainings (tips from Gastivists)
- Trainings from Organization United for Respect (a series of trainings on online facilitation– including working from home with kids)
Creating Communities of Care (& Self Care)
- Coronavirus: Wisdom from a Social Justice Lens (Healing Justice podcast with JD Davids, Evvie Orman, Dr. Crissaris Samelli & Elandria Williams)
- Demands from Grassroots Organizers Concerning COVID-19 (a list of
demands that can help inspire others to make similar requests)
- Flatten the Curve (on understanding why protective measures early-on can help to prevent healthcare system overload)
- Finding Steady Ground (by 350’s Daniel Hunter et al., resources for strengthening our spirits to resist and thrive in these times)
- Contagion, Consent, and Connection
- Pod-mapping for mutual aid
- ‘The Cripples Will Save You’: A Critical Coronavirus Message from a Disability Activist
- COVID Mutual Aid & Advocacy Resources
- COVID 19 Resources for Indigenous Peoples (Indigenous Climate Action)
- Coronavirus Resource Kit (collectivized document related to mutual aid)
- COVID-19: Community and Self Care Resources (compiled w global staff)
- COVID Mutual Aid National Slack Network
- Crowd-Sourced Extensive Collection of Community of Care & Mutual Advocacy Resources
Heightened Racism and Xenophobia & Equity Implications of COVID Response
- Representative Judy Chu speaking on the increased racism & xenophobia targeting the Asian American community (short video)
- Anti-Stigma Resources (from the King County, WA Dept of Public Health)
- Why Pandemics Activate Xenophobia (Vox)
- On the Coronavirus and Ethnonationalism (Medium)
- When a disease is racialized (Briarpatch)
- Facebook Post by Edward Hon-Sing Wong
- Coronavirus: vaccinate against racism (Spring in Canada)
- Ten Equity Implications of the COVID Outbreak in the US (NAACP)
- Ensuring Racial Equity When Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic (Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health)
Political Context
- The Whitehouse Intends to Bail Out the Oil & Gas Industry (covering this up during COVID-19, press release quoting 350 NA Director)
- Our Lives Are at Stake: US Residents Scramble to Find Testing (NYT video)
- Solidarity is Our Only Chance (Labor Notes)
- Who Is Getting Sick & How Sick (Demographic Factors Context) (Stat News)
- What Can the Coronavirus Teach Us? (Bill McKibben in the New Yorker)
- Fightback Table’s Messaging on COVID-19 (Fightback Table is a broad multi-sector
progressive coalition that participates in.
- Why We Should Care: Common Questions about COVID-19 (The Medium)
- The Problems with Testing in the US Explained (Vox)
- Coronavirus Pandemic in US Fueled by Stunted CDC Budget & Lack of Access to Healthcare Insurance (Democracy Now)
- Nurses on the Frontlines Demand More Protection & Medicaid for All (Democracy Now)
- Low-Income Communities Are Most at Risk from Coronavirus Outbreak- Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity (Spotlight: On Poverty & Opportunity)
- Coronavirus, Climate Change & Community Care (Susan Raffo)
- Social Contagion: Microbial Class War in China (Chuǎng in Canada)
- Mike Davis on Capitalism and Coronavirus
- Comic (for kids and adults!) that accessibly explains COVID-19 and how to prevent spread
- Coronavirus will be the hardest for gig and service workers in the US (Teen Vogue)
How might a pandemic affect US society and politics in 2020? (Medium, multiple authors)
- Labor Network for Sustainability’s Statement on COVID-19
- The Workers Who Face the Greatest COVID Risks (NYT graphic)
- In the Midst of COVID Fight, Workers are Forging an Emergency Green New Deal (LNS)