The Harper-appointed National Energy Board is reviewing the Trans Mountain expansion again.
Why? Because a federal court found their previous review was so flawed, the Trudeau government couldn’t lawfully rely on it for the project’s approval.
Well, now Trudeau has asked this industry-captured regulator for another rushed approval. Submit your comment to the NEB’s oil tanker review.
The archaic NEB won’t accept comments by e-mail — but you can submit yours by fax.
I don’t know about you, Kevin, but I’d never used a fax machine before. Maybe you haven’t in a while. Most people don’t have one at home anymore.
Fear not! You can send a comment by fax on our website with just a couple of clicks. Just head on over to We’ll fax it to the NEB for you and cc your MP too.
Don’t want hundreds more oil tankers a year putting B.C.’s coast, economy and resident orca whales at risk? Get your opposition on the record.
The deadline for public comment is November 20. Fax yours today.
For the coast,
P.S. If you feel like this NEB review is rigged, you’re not alone. For one thing, the regulator decided to exclude climate change from their assessment. For another, the Prime Minister keeps repeating his intention to build this pipeline and tanker expansion with our tax dollars! Still, you can bet pro-pipeline politicians will be looking at this review as a barometer for public opposition. Submit your comment about Trudeau’s oil tanker expansion plan and we’ll cc your MP.