And it’s not over yet.
Join us Thursday April 22nd on Earth Day 4-5:30 PM PST
(more details below)
Molly and Jen Wickham will be there too!
We were blown away by how many people participated (Day 1 – 2,358 and Day 2 – 1,253) and by the number of territories across the continent that were represented.
And we’ve been hearing from all of you: it was a film festival unlike any you’ve attended, you were moved, inspired and energized, had your eyes opened, and had the feeling that you’d participated in a historic gathering that transcends imaginary borders. What we shared was only the beginning, so please join us on April 22nd to keep building movements in defense of life.
#BMDL Earth Day Gathering (click socials below to share)
VIDEOS OF FULL FESTIVAL (click on videos below)
Building Movements Defense of Life Film Festival – Day 1 (English)⬆️
Building Movements Defense of Life Film Festival – Day 2 (English)⬆️
RT/Boost/Share Fundraiser (click socials below to share)
You’ll find tools for community screenings, a deep dive into the frontline protagonists in the film, and critical reflections about the role of US imperialism in driving the violence in Honduras and what decolonization actually means.
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