Hi Jeanne,

The link below should work (on youtube), but I wish it had the other faces during the discussion segment.  I will ask Danny if there is a way to add them.  Maybe not.  At least the other voices are there in the discussion.  Please share it widely if you think people could benefit from it.

Thanks my friend!



From: Zavala, Daniel <dzavala@wvc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 9:10 AM
To: jqazi@nwi.net; Jana Fischback <hello@sustainablewenatchee.org>
Subject: Youtube Video Uploaded


Good Morning Joan & Jana,


I just wanted to give you heads up that the Re-emerging from crises of Climate, COVID-19, Social Injustice video with Dr. Joan Qazi is now uploaded.




Let me know if I can help with anything else!


Danny Zavala

Recreation Center Manager


Wenatchee Valley College

1300 Fifth St. Wenatchee, WA 98801



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