Hi DivestWA members,

Hugely anticipated report out this morning from Stand.Earth, Stop the Money Pipeline (STMP), and Sierra Club.
From Stand.Earth: “A first-of-its-kind report, the Hidden Risk analyzes the proxy voting records and proxy voting guidelines of the 19 public pensions that are in states where a state financial officer has indicated it is a priority issue both to advocate for more sustainable, just, and inclusive firms and markets , and to protect against climate risk.”

From STMP: “Did you know that the Washington State Investment Board (WSIB) regularly uses its $200 billion in investments to vote against shareholder resolutions that would push mega corporations, such as big banks, to take meaningful climate action? WSIB’s job is to help thousands of Washingtonians save for retirement by investing their pension savings across the economy. These workers trust WSIB to manage their pension funds responsibly, including managing climate risk, but a new report that we just released with Sierra Club and Stand.earth today shows that WSIB is failing.”

Press Release from Stand Earth

Press Release from Sierra Club

READ THE FULL REPORT: The Hidden Risk in State Pensions: Analyzing State Pensions’ Responses to the Climate Crisis in Proxy Voting

I highlighted (with arrows) Washington State Investment Boadr’s pathetic grades in three (screenshotted) charts from the report: Chart 1 | Chart 2 | Chart 3 Feel free to share.

We will be discussing the report’s findings and recommendations at tomorrow morning’s Divest WA monthly meeting. Hope to see you there!

Sally Keely
Listserv Admin DivestWA.org
Founder CascadiaCAN.org

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