Bringing the banner to corner of Orondo & Mission for our action – and if it is not too wet, will bring back Fossil Fuelman too!  Join us for some music, bring your signs or use ours.  Let’s keep the pressure up on Chase!

Friday, January 31st 11:30A-12:30P

Not able to join us but want to act? We are signed up this same day to call Jamie Dimon’s office:

Even if we only generate 5-10 phone calls in a day – if his office gets that many calls most days, that’ll have a real impact. There’s a call Jamie Dimon Toolkit here.
The toolkit is for tracking number of calls and script coaching – otherwise his number is (212) 270-1111.  We had signed up earlier for Jan. 20th which was a holiday and why we never got through!!  (FYI – the letter writing campaign earlier this month generated over 1500 letters!!)
We’ll have a meeting 10:30A @ Bella Bistro, 317 Orondo Ave., just before Chase action.