Friday – Jan. 31
- meeting: 10:30 am at Bella Bistro – Here is your chance to give input to our ACTION groups. Come and let us know what actions and messaging we should be doing to have the most impact in North Central Washington!
- CHASE BANK ACTION: 11:30 am – 12:30pm – Join us at the Wenatchee Chase Bank for an hour to protest against Chase, the largest funder of fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure ON THE PLANET. We will continue to remind them to get out of the fossil fuel business until they STOP!
- If you can’t join us at Chase, you can still work to get Chase out of funding Fossil Fuels: Write and send a Letter to Chase Bank’s CEO, Jamie Dimon, telling him to get Chase out of the Fossil Fuel Business! Go to this link and see the letter writing toolkit. It gives you the How and the Why and the address.
publications/chase-letter- writing-toolkit/.
NCW United: 7 days of Action #155
Do you have a climate denier in your life that you would like to talk to? Read about a new game coming out that will help you!!!!Smart Phone Game for Critical Thinking
What Are People Thinking? Yale Climate Connection’s staff have been studying Climate Opinion in the US for many years. Check out their interactive factsheet: Climate Opinion Interactive Factsheet
Will you sign up to help the Climate Crisis become a top concern for our Washington State Legislature? Join the Civil Action Team (CAT) The 350 Washington Civic Action Team has resulted in nearly 1,000 individual contacts to lawmakers in just the first two weeks of this session – that’s almost a quarter of what we accomplished last year over a four month period!
Can you sign up to join us in sending these strategic emails and phone calls before the session ends?
Once you join the 350 WA – Civic Action Team, you will start receiving two emails a week.These emails will provide you with:
- Easy-to-digest information on where important climate bill are in the legislative process
- The phone number and email address of key legislators
- A call script or email template you can use to contact them
Also – Here is a letter from a group of Upper Valley Citizens and the Climate Bills they are calling our legislators about.Lobby Day Jan 30 2019 – Letter to Hawkins Goehner and Steele They would love to have your help in contacting the Legislators. Here are thier numbers: