Are you participating in the “Wenatchee Wine Walk” on Saturday, Nov.9th (noon-5pm)?  If you are, visit outside the Collapse Art Gallery – 115 S. Wenatchee Ave.  We will talking about “Solutionary Rail” and showing off a new Nissan Leaf that gets 225 miles per charge! Come check it out! We can tell you about some great rebates if you are interested!


Monday – Nov. 11 – CCNCW Monthly Meeting – Social Time: 5-6pm Meeting at 6:00 at Fire Station #1, 206 Easy Street in Wenatchee.  Send agenda items to Sue Kane at

Wednesday – Nov. 13 – Interfaith Meeting – 1:00-2:30 at Susan Evan’s Home – contact the above email address for more information.

Friday – Nov. 15 “Chalk the Walk at Chase” – noon @ Chase Bank in Wenatchee – bring sidewalk chalk (or use ours) to write messages of concern to Chase, the number one financer of Fossil Fuel Extraction IN THE WORLD!!!  THEN – attend the meeting one block away at the Library. 1:00-3:00pm in the upstairs meeting room.


NCW United 7 Days of Action: #143   7 days of Action #143 a

Do you have Christian friends that are not sure about the Climate Crisis?  Kathrine Heyhoe’s article from the New York Times is an excellent resource. (You may need to create a free account at the Times to read it)



