Happy Friday, CATs, 🍁🌏🍁
It’s been a great week in the 350 WA Civic Action Team!
We have a lot to celebrate: three of our Teams launched their first regular weekly volunteer meetings. The Bill Tracking Team, the Transpo Team, and the Action / Email / Comms (AEC) Team are all up and running for our volunteers to get plugged into.
And we held our public Pre-Session Lobbying training, too. Whew! The video will be available soon.
If you’re receiving this email, you’re on our list of 350 WA Civic Action Team Volunteers and you’re one of the wonderful people making this climate advocacy campaign possible for the 2022 session.
Check out our CAT Master Volunteer Teams Schedule to connect to everything coming up next week for all of the Teams & Trainings
Next week we have a TECH ONBOARDING for everyone on Thursday Nov 11th @ 5:30-7pm Register HERE
Get connected to our Google drive and our Slack!
Please reach out to Sue Kane (susan_kane1@msn.com) if you are joining us and have not gone through our 350 WA CAT Onboarding yet. We will work with you to get you connected to everything you’ll need for being part of the 350 WA CAT this year.
Let Grace (Grace@350Seattle.org) know if you have any questions about how to get involved.
Also, please let me know if you’d like to be removed from this email list – if you’d like to follow along as a CAT action taker this year instead of a CAT volunteer, be sure to sign up for our actions here: https://www.350wa.org/cat
Grace & the whole CAT crew