Sent on behalf of Chelan County Commissioner Bob Bugert
This is a reminder that if you have not yet registered for the Chelan County Climate Resilience Workshop on August 12 and would like to join the workshop, please click here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/chelan-county-climate-resilience-workshop-registration-112889924804
For those already registered to attend, this email contains links and instructions to help you prepare for the workshop. The purpose of this workshop is to review and provide feedback on a preliminary draft Chelan County Climate Resilience Strategy for mitigating climate impacts related to wildfire, water supply, floods, snowpack, and in-stream flows.
The workshop agenda, draft climate resilience strategy, and past meeting materials are available here:https://www.co.chelan.wa.us/natural-resources/pages/county-wide-climate-resilience-planning
In advance of the workshop, we are asking participants to:
- Find your topic on Page 1 of the draft strategy document. When you registered, you were asked to identify a topic of interest from the following list: wildfire, flooding, snowpack/instream flow, and water supply. We encourage you to review the same topic in the plan.
- Review the list of strategies for your topic. Using either the summary on Page 1, or the additional detail in the document itself, review the list of resilience strategies for the topic(s) in the draft plan that are of interest to you or your organization.
- Consider what’s missing that is important. At the workshop, we will discuss the following question: “what’s not currently happening in the county that should be happening for county-wide climate resilience?” The overall purpose of the strategy is to achieve two key benefits of county-wide climate resilience planning which were identified through prior community workshops: 1) improve communication and coordination, and 2) advance projects of mutual benefit. Keep this purpose in mind as you consider, from your perspective, what’s missing from the draft strategy and what’s missing from the current suite of activities occurring across the county.
Here is the Zoom meeting information to join the August 12 workshop (this Zoom info, as well as optional call-in numbers, will be sent again as a reminder to registrants early next week)
- Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95109892309?pwd=N01zQ3hyd09XM3pUL2pST0lKL25TZz09
- Meeting ID: 951 0989 2309
- Passcode: 542381
Thank you in advance for joining this feedback workshop. Please reach out to Mike Kaputa at Mike.Kaputa@CO.CHELAN.WA.US with any questions. We look forward to seeing you online.
Commissioner Bob Bugert
Mike Kaputa, Director
Chelan County Natural Resource Department
411 Washington Street, Suite 201
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: (509) 670-6935