Amidst all the chaos and anxiety of 2020, a remarkable thing happened this week: JP Morgan Chase committed to align its business model with the Paris Climate Agreement — including all the loans it makes.

It’s a testament to the years of activist pressure that Chase has finally moved. You can read all about the announcement here.

It’s a significant step, especially for the world’s largest funder of fossil fuels. But as our country burns and the Amazon dies, we need leaps, not steps. 

This new commitment doesn’t stop Chase from providing loans to coal companies. It doesn’t stop Chase from doing business with tar sands companies that are violating Indigenous peoples’ rights. It doesn’t stop Chase from loaning to fossil fuel companies that are still aggressively expanding their operations.

Chase’s announcement is a big deal — but it is nowhere near enough.

Can you take 3 actions today to demand that JPMorgan chase follow up this announcement with immediate action?

  1. Call Chase CEO Jamie Dimon at 212-270-1111. There’s a short call script you can use here.
  2. Email Chase executives and board members to demand that they follow up this announcement with immediate action. There is a template email and the email addresses of Chase senior decision makers here. All you need to do is copy and paste the message, and email it to these top two decision makers at the world’s largest funder of fossil fuels.
  3. Click here to Tweet at Chase and spread the word about the announcement — and its shortcomings.

There is no doubt that the only reason Chase is starting to act on climate is the pressure it’s feeling from the climate movement. Now we just need to keep it up until it’s actions match it’s lofty words.

In solidarity
Stop the Money Pipeline

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