April 13 – Wenatchee Interfaith Climate Group meeting @ 1:00 We look at the Climate Crisis through a Spiritual point of view and take actions in faith.  If you are interested in joining us, email interfaithclimatewen@gmail.com

EARTH WEEK EVENTS – April 18-22:

Monday – Climate Information Fair around the Fountain

Tuesday – Earthday Poetry Contest & special guest Matt Rader

Wednesday – Waste Loop Waste Audit

Thankful Thursday – Forest Health & Protection discussion + a Nature Walk at 5:30

Friday –Clothing Swap and Repair Studio

The Public is welcome see details and times at http://wvc.edu/Sustainability

SUSTAINABLE NCW EARTHDAY AT PYBUS – Saturday, April 23 – 11-2     Check out previous Earthday events!  https://www.sustainablencw.org/earth-day-fair

Be sure to stop by and say “Hi” at our CLIMATE CONVERSATIONS NCW – 350Wenatchee.org – WENATCHEE INTERFAITH CLIMATE BOOTH – We will be giving away Native Seedballs & much more!


DID YOU KNOW? If you would like more “up to date”, daily information about what is going on in the Climate Action world – Go to the 350Wenatchee website at: http://350wenatchee.org

OR – HOW ABOUT A CLIMATE DIALOGUE? Go to the CLIMATE CONVERSATIONS NCW Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/1467174906883952


“Green Banking” is catching on! – https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/04/online-bank-funds-climate-solutions-not-fossil-fuels/

Native American Tribes go Electric – https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/04/two-native-tribes-are-helping-create-an-electric-vehicle-pipeline/

An Idea for NCW Schools? https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/03/to-reduce-cafeteria-waste-baltimore-schools-teach-kids-where-their-food-comes-from/

Hope to see you at an Earthday Event!

Sue Kane – Editor
