Monday, Feb. 18 – “Sharing What We Stand For!!!!!”: President’s Day Rally at Memorial Park Noon to 1:30
Bring Signs to Support:
* The Green New Deal
* Immigrants
* Equality
* Diversity
Interfaith Climate Group: 1:00 pm @ Susan Evan’s home – 1101 Appleland Dr.
Your Help Is Needed!: Do you want to become involved with planning the 3rd annual NCW EcoChallenge? Sustainable Wenatchee and Climate Conversations are looking for volunteers to help find prizes, collect donations and help us publicize the event, which is coming up in May. If you’d like to join the planning committee, please email Jana at sustainablewenatchee@gmail. om.”
Save the Dates!:
* Sustainable Wenatchee is sponsoring the showing of “Wasted” The story of food waste! @ March 5th at the Wenatchee Valley Museum 7-9pm
* is sponsoring the showing of “The Reluctant Radical” One of the first “Valve Turners” March 9th @ the Veteran’s Hall at the Wenatchee Community Center Doors open at 2:00
Attachments area