THE ECO-CHALLENGE STARTS TODAY!!!! It’s not too late to join a team. Go to ncwecochallenge.org. Fun and Educational!
Protest at Chase Bank! – 350Wenatchee.org will be protesting at the Wenatchee Chase Bank on Friday from 4:30-6:00. Chase continues to fund extraction of fossil fuels even though we know that the C02 from burning these fuels is increasing the speed of the Climate Crisis. Chase’s only goal seems to be making a profit! Please Join us.
Next Week:
CCNCW Meeting @ the Fire House: Send your agenda items to Sue at this email: climateconversationsncw@gmail.com
Saturday May 18 “TOUCH A TRUCK”! – This year’s event will be at the Wenatchee Valley College campus. We will have at least 2 electric cars for you to check out. Make plans to attend The Wenatchee Women’s Service League’s wonderful event.
*What is the Green New Deal? – An article by Credo (Attached below)
*Want to know more about the Green New Deal? Watch the video on the following link. It gives some history and a wonderful vision of the future:
(I am republishing this video for those of you that have recently joined our email list.)