You live in the district of Rep. Goehner, who is a key member of the House Transportation Committee. This means your action can have an outsized impact on the success of this bill.
Call or email: Just a few phone calls and emails can make a big difference. This is to invite you to write or call Rep. Goehner urging support of HB 1204 by clicking here keith.goehner@leg.wa.gov or calling the Rep at this number: (360) 786-7954
Sample script: Hi! I live in the district and want to register my strong support for HB 1204, the Clean Cars 2030 bill. This bill is important to me because (choose your favorites):
- I want clean air
- I want a healthy climate
- Washington should lead the country on cutting vehicle emissions
- I want to keep our fuel dollars in the local economy
- I want to protect our salmon and orcas from water polluted by drips and spills of gasoline and motor oil
- I want our state to have EVs in many models at every price range
President Biden has already Shut Down the Dakota Access Pipeline! Now we need him to Shut Down Line 3!!!!!
- Raise your voice: Tell President Biden to use the power of his office to reject Line 3 http://bit.ly/bidenstopline3
- Click here to send the CEOs of 18 major banks a message that they MUST walk away from Enbridge and Line 3 on March 31st.
Your email will go directly to the in-boxes of the CEOs at JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, CitiBank, and the fifteen other banks funding Line 3. This action is a first step you can take to send a direct message to Wall Street: Walk away from Line 3 or there will be consequences.
We’re excited to join this major national campaign; we hope you will be, too. Together, we can build a movement powerful enough that will #StopLine3.
NCW UNITED 7 DAYS OF ACTION #207: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YE7HwEZBPN_eqBV5ZMaWqCZkuasyZH5t/view
Yale Climate Connections: Do You Fly Fish in Montana? Read this! https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2021/02/montana-fly-fishing-lodge-copes-with-warming-rivers/?ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_DAILY_021121)
Yale Climate Connections: Climate Change and the American Mind: https://mail.google.com/mail/b/ALGkd0zjLwUjR7faPCySK9ZeiewBjCIufOx_Vj-uOXrr52TWM-FY/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgxwLsSZgQwGjhhRnlddkjqKgWgzl
Yale Climate Connections: President Biden’ Executive Order On Climate: https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2021/02/bidens-climate-executive-orders-are-a-mini-green-new-deal/?ct=t(EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_DAILY_020421)
Sue Kane – newsletter editor