So far, thousands of community co-sponsors have signed on in support of the BREATHE Act. We have support from ALL 50 states. Our breath, our bodies, and our dignity is no longer up for debate. Show you’re with us. Here’s two ways you can throw down with the movement:
It is not enough to remember the names of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Mike Brown, Oscar Grant, Sandra Bland, and every life taken by police violence. We must actively work to dismantle the system that murdered them and build a new system that allows for Black and Brown communities to flourish.
We’re building support for the BREATHE Act from the ground up — and that starts with showing Congress that communities across the country demand change.
– The BREATHE Team
M4BL is a national network of over 150 organizations creating a broad political home for Black people to learn, organize, and take action.
In July, we unveiled the BREATHE Act, a visionary federal Civil Rights bill that would divest from policing and invest in a new vision of public safety. For decades, the federal government has funded mass criminalization while underfunding social services that actually keep people safe. Black people and our allies are demanding a new approach. The BREATHE Act is an affirmative vision for our lives.TWEET YOUR SUPPORT TODAY »
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