One hour ago, customers of JPMorgan Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America sent open letters to the CEOs of their banks. The letters have been signed by 35,000+ customers of the banks & call for an end to their banks’ funding of the fossil fuel industry. The letters were delivered by long-term customers of the four banks and they have asked for a meeting with the CEOs to discuss their concerns. Full press release is attached.

We’d be very grateful if 350Wenatchee would be able to amplify this today. 

And if you search the hashtag #CustomersforClimateJustice throughout the day, you’ll find many Tweets from individual customers.

This is first public blow in a long-term campaign. Over the past few weeks, customers have lodged hundreds of formal complaints with their banks, met with dozens of branch managers to express their feelings about fossil fuels, and sent thousands of emails. Next week, we will be releasing a follow-up letter, also signed by thousands of customers, but this time addressed to the investors of the bank. calling on the investors to vote yes on a series of critical climate resolutions at the banks’ Annual General Meetings over the coming week — the resolutions essentially call for an end to support for fossil expansion.

And of course, this is happening the day after Jamie Dimon used his annual letter to lobby for new oil leases and gas pipelines…

In Solidarity
– Alec

Alec Connon
Stop the Money Pipeline, Coalition Co-Director
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