Saturday – This year’s Women+s March features speakers on Climate Justice – Speakers start at 10:30 – You can go just to the speakers or participate in the entire event.
Jan. 20 – Write and send a Letter to Chase Bank’s (#1 funder of fossil fuel extraction) CEO, Jamie Dimon, telling him to get Chase out of the Fossil Fuel Business! Go to this link and see the letter writing toolkit. It gives you the How and the Why and the address.
ASAP – Start writing letters, emails and making phone calls to our Washington State Legislators in support of Climate legislation. The best way to do this is to join the 350 Civil Action Team (CAT). They will let you know what legislation is coming up and who needs to be called.
Sign up to join our Civic Action Team! You’ll receive regular updates and calls to action throughout the session.
Janet Millard, has an attorney to develop and present her case for blocking a Weyerhauser Timber Sale in occupied spotted owl habitat. She needs money to pay for the attorney. She has updated her request for help, read it in the link below. Thank you.