Right now, TC Energy, with the backing of Homeland Security, is moving forward with construction of Keystone XL amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic. As a Dakota elder who has been fighting Keystone XL for 12 years, I firmly continue to protect my community and uphold our Treaty rights, like we successfully did against Dakota Access last week.
TC Energy (TransCanada) is trying to take advantage of the crisis we are in right now. Trump’s “Homeland Security” just classified Keystone XL “essential work” and they are rushing to start construction, putting Indigenous and rural communities at risk of the COVID-19 pandemic. I ask you to remember whose Homeland this is. Our elders and youth are the treasures of our culture and they are at risk – that’s why I’m asking you to help us stop construction activity immediately.

Take action: Stop Keystone XL from spreading coronavirus in Indigenous communities.
Our communities are already extremely vulnerable to the increased violence against women and girls when worker “man camps” are built near our reservations. And now we’re also being put at a greater risk of getting the coronavirus with an influx of workers coming to our territories. Hospitals and Indian Health Services along the proposed Keystone XL route are already ill-equipped to deal with the coronavirus public health threat. It is imperative that we are not further marginalized in this desecration of our humanity.
This is exactly what it felt like when the US Military brought smallpox blankets to our villages in an attempt to decimate us. But, we are still here standing strong.
Wopida, thank you,
Faith Spotted Eagle is a global movement that fights for a just and equitable world by stopping the fossil fuel industry from continuing to destroy our climate.
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