This weekend, despite pandemic, threats of violence, hurricanes, and wildfires, the will of the people shone through — this is a tremendous victory for democracy and the planet.
We should take the time to celebrate, and to rest up for the hard work that we know lies ahead. We will have to push our leaders relentlessly—but when we stand together, nothing can stop us.
Yet in this moment of relief and celebration, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota appears to be on the verge of approving the final set of permits for Line 3, a dirty tar sands pipeline as devastating to our climate as fifty new coal-fired power plants. Our friends at MN350 have been fighting this pipeline for years. The decision deadline is this Friday — and if permits are granted, construction on Line 3 could begin immediately, despite lawsuits by tribal nations, young people, and climate advocates.
Please call Minnesota Governor Tim Walz today: 651-201-3400.
Call script: “Hi, my name is ___ and I’m calling to urge Governor Walz to stand with climate science and Indigenous communities by denying the remaining permits for the Line 3 pipeline. This is a huge climate decision that affects all of us. People around the country are watching and counting on Governor Walz to deny the permits and not greenlight construction. Thank you.”
If business as usual continues, it won’t matter who’s in the White House. Please call today!
In solidarity,
350 Seattle
PS: Made your call? You can also tweet at the Governor and the Minnesota Pollution Commissioner, Laura Bishop, at @GovTimWalz and @lbishopw
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350 Seattle
5031 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
United States