The climate crisis is an existential (i.e. existence threatening) crisis to humans and other living entities. While current attention has understandably been on the pandemic and related economic crises — the impact of human activity organized through corporate entities are connected to the increasing raging fires, hurricanes and other effects of climate change that will only intensify unless we rapidly change direction.
Laws and regulations over decades have permitted corporations to treat nature as a resource to extract (e.g. land, water, trees, plants, minerals, fossil fuels, etc.) and a venue to dump their waste.
Decisions by courts inventing constitutional rights are in large part responsible for this legal plundering and destroying of the natural world — as are the inabilities of We the People to:
√ hold corporate leaders accountable for their pre-knowledge of environmental harms (including climate change), and,
√ protect the health, safety and welfare of their communities.
This is politically undemocratic, economically unsustainable and environmentally cataclysmic. It’s also profoundly immoral and unethical based on faith and ethical principles. Human rights and rights of nature should be inalienable, not so-called “corporate rights” and the right to legally destroy the very environment that supports the existence of human beings and other living entities.
Join us as we proclaim the need for profound system change — in what we believe, how we think and how we act to affirm, protect and expand the intrinsic worth of people and nature over corporations and profit maximization.
Move to Amend · PO Box 188617, Sacramento, CA 95818, United States
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