Welcome to autumn! We hope we’re not the first to tell you that Monday is…
Indigenous peoples have long led the fight to protect Mother Earth, and a key path forward for the climate movement is to center Indigenous knowledge and keep fossil fuels in the ground. From Standing Rock, to Line 3, to Cherry Point (Xwe’chi’eXen) and Tacoma LNG, Indigenous resistance is more important than ever, and it’s crucial that the larger environmental movement center the leadership of Indigenous people.
350 Seattle is based on the traditional lands of the Suquamish, Muckleshoot, Duwamish, Stillaguamish, Coast Salish, Tulalip and other tribes who have lived beside the Salish Sea for generations upon generations. The deep wrong of colonization has caused and perpetuated systems that have given us the climate crisis.
Seattle was the first of several cities in Washington state to recognize the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day in 2014. Here’s why we celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day, and here are some local celebrations to take part in:
Our Existence Is Our Resistance
Monday, October 11, 2:00 – 3:00pm
Online, here. More information here.
Indigenous People Festival 2021
Tuesday, October 12 – Friday, October 16
Events daily, details here.
Spirit Returns 2.0 – A Duwamish & Settler Story
Tuesdays – Saturdays, opening October 9
Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center, 4705 W Marginal Way SW, Seattle 98106
More information here.
Also! Volunteers are requested 2-8:30 pm Monday (tomorrow) (or part of that time) to help at the Indigenous People’s Day community healing event Feeding Their Spirit at Alki Beach (the event is 4-7:30). Roxanne White of Missing, Murdered, and Indigenous People needs help with art starting at the 2pm setup, until the cleanup at 8pm. She said it will be a really beautiful event, and everyone is invited. Contact Lisa if you can be there to help (or with questions).
Not sure whose land you’re on? Learn more here. And here is a reflection from last year on the strength of Black-Native peoples.
On October 29th, young people and adults around the world are taking to the streets to demand climate justice and a future free of fossil fuels. As part of the Global Day of Action, we’re teaming up with numerous organizations to support a youth-led, youth-centered march and series of actions.
Fossil Free Future: Seattle, WA!
Friday, October 29, 11:00am
Waterfront Park, 1401 Alaskan Way, Seattle 98101
RSVP here, click “going” for updates here.
We’ll gather at Waterfront Park before marching to the front doors of the largest climate polluters in Seattle. We’ll march to JPMorgan Chase’s PNW HQ to demand that they stop funding fossil fuels. At Liberty Mutual’s regional HQ, we’ll take action to call out their insurance of Trans Mountain and other toxic fossil fuel projects. Then we’ill march to Seattle City Hall to demand that they pass the Solidarity Budget and stop building new homes with fossil fuel heating.
This will be a family-friendly event and the march will be youth-led and youth-centered. At each of the three locations, we will take creative and collective action, as well as hear from powerful speakers and performers. All are welcome and we hope that you will join us. You can RSVP here and stay tuned with the latest updates by clicking “going” on the event page―and don’t forget to invite your friends and family!
In the other Washington, the epic wrangling over the Infrastructure and Reconciliation bills continues, but thanks to the Progressive Caucus, led by Seattle’s 7th District Representative Jayapal, there were not enough votes to pass the Senate’s 1.2 trillion bi-partisan Infrastructure bill—a bill that contains limited climate measures and includes problematic provisions that would hurt the climate.
Progressives are insisting: no vote for the Senate’s bill until the much stronger 3.5 trillion-dollar Reconciliation package, which contains stronger climate provisions and social programs, including childcare, is voted on first.
While the arm-wrestling continues it’s our chance to keep up the pressure on Congress. Here are some actions to take to urge Congress to pass the strongest Reconciliation package possible.
Phone banking
- Join these Sunrise phone banking sessions to call Sunrisers in key Congressional districts. This mobilization can make a difference!
- Call your own members of Congress with a custom script based on your member’s current position on the Reconciliation bill.
Help save the forests
Here’s the message: Hold firm on the 3.5 trillion Reconciliation proposal, remove fossil fuel subsidies, and remove logging provisions that could generate 3 to 4 gigatons of CO2 pollution over the next 10 – 15 years. Click here to email your House Representative as well as Senators Murray and Cantwell to alert them to this urgent report.
Help get out the vote
Elders Climate Action is helping older environmentalists make it to the polls this November. Sign up here.
Did you know that for every dollar spent on Seattle’s Green New Deal, the Mayor’s proposed budget spends 26 dollars on policing?
With the 2022 City Budget, Seattle has a choice to make: will we continue to invest in harms like policing, at the expense of climate justice, affordable housing, true public safety, good jobs and healthy neighborhoods? Or will we change course and prioritize community-led solutions for a Seattle where everyone can thrive?
Join us as we build climate power behind the Solidarity Budget—a vision and detailed set of recommendations for a 2022 Seattle city budget that is anti-racist, centers the needs of the most vulnerable Seattle residents, and responds with funding at the scale of the crises we face.
There are SO MANY WAYS to take action this month—including a public comment at the October 12th City Budget Hearing, visiting your Councilmember, art builds, actions, teach-ins, and more!
Check out our ‘Climate Justice Not Cops’ launch call recording and volunteer welcome guide to get started! Questions? Contact Jess.
Last week, we joined in the launch of Customers for Climate Justice―a new effort to organize thousands of customers of the biggest banks funding fossil fuels. Since then, over 6,000Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citibank customers have signed on to our Open Letter to CEOs.
Do you bank with Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Citibank? Sign the open letter here―once you add your name to the letter, we will reach out with more ways that you can use your special leverage as a customer to advocate for climate justice.
Don’t bank with one of those four, but know someone who does? Forward them this email!
Last month, one of Trans Mountain’s biggest insurance backers–Chubb Insurance–announced that it was no longer covering tar sands projects. That means Chubb has finally dropped the destructive Trans Mountain pipeline, after years of Indigenous-led pressure on the frontlines, actions outside their offices, and thousands of emails and phone calls. This is a huge deal! Without insurance coverage, the massive Trans Mountain expansion project cannot be built or transport any oil, and we know that its options for insurance are dwindling, with sixteen companies ruling it out. We’re now demanding that AIG and Liberty Mutual, who have yet to drop Trans Mountain, follow suit. Email AIG and Liberty executives here and demand that they stop insuring tar sands pipelines.
After four years of resistance, the decision in the legal appeal of Puget Sound Energy’s fracked gas facility is expected sometime in the next two weeks. As we send positive energy and prayers for a decision on the side of health, climate, and justice, here’s an action we can take right now to stand with The Puyallup Tribe and fight for a healthier future.
The city of Tacoma will vote in November on permanent regulations for the ancestral tideflats of the Puyallup Tribe, known today as the Port of Tacoma. We need your help to demand that planning commission recommendations and the will of the tribe are followed, banning all expansion of existing fossil fuel facilities. Several city council members are trying to add amendments and exemptions to allow toxic operations to keep expanding and polluting. One of these amendments would allow the LNG facility to double its capacity (and harms) without any additional permitting or analysis!
Please send an email to cityclerk@cityoftacoma.org and tell them why stopping all expansion and respecting the wishes of the Puyallup Tribe are important to you. Talking points and info on the amendments here!
Short on time? Send a one-click comment here.
What about that state Transportation Package?
Transportation is our biggest source of carbon emissions in Washington, and legislators are currently meeting behind closed doors to negotiate a Transportation Package that will define our transportation system for the next 5 to 15 years. In November’s Assembly Days, lawmakers may vote to expand our current highway-centric system that dirties our air and threatens our climate future. They need to hear our voices calling for a transportation system that lowers carbon and air pollution by centering transit, walking, biking and rolling. Sign upwith the 350 WA Civic Action Team to receive weekly updates and action alerts. Fill out this form to join the campaign team!
In the meantime, check out our proposal to lawmakers in 350 WA’s Transportation Bill of Rights and the 350 WA Community Project list.
Legislators’ week without driving
Join us in supporting Disability Rights Washington’s Week Without a Driving initiative. DRW is asking lawmakers and government officials to give up driving themselves for the week of October 22-29, so they can understand what it’s like to navigate life on public transportation, our sidewalks, and bikeways.
Ask your legislator to participate, so that when it comes time for them to vote on a transportation package, they will understand the needs in the system.
Here’s how to do it:
- Email your lawmaker and ask them to participate.
- Participate yourself and post about your experience on social media with hashtag #NoDrivingWeek.
- Participate, post, and tag your lawmaker!
Important new tool in the fight against climate change
What if we could pinpoint exactly how much more pollution and climate change will be generated by a new highway proposal? Would our smart, progressive legislators sit up and listen?
Front & Centered, Disability Rights WA and 350WA are unveiling a new tool in our fight against the harms of highway expansion. We’re releasing a new calculator developed by our partner the Rocky Mountain Institute that uses peer-reviewed methods to determine the long-term impacts of building more highways and roads. Join us for an exciting community briefing with national leaders in transportation and climate activism to learn how you can put this tool into action to fight for more transit, safer streets, and cleaner air where you live.
New Tool in the Fight Against Climate Change
Tuesday, October 19, 1:00pm
Online, register here.
Speakers include Beth Osbourne, director of Transportation for America; Rosalinda Guillen, advocate for farm workers and rural justice leader; Ben Holland, Rocky Mountain Institute; and Anna Zivarts, Disability Rights Washington.
The Port of Seattle and the Northwest Seaport Alliance are preparing to finalize their clean air action plans. The Maritime Solutions team provided comments and feedback on the draft plans over the past year, and some of the changes that we advocated for—such as increased requirements for shore power use (once installed) for cargo and cruise ships, and port-led advocacy for strengthened emissions standards—will be adopted.
Expect to see updates on our listserv about public comment opportunities at the upcoming Port Commissioner meetings where these clean air action plans will be adopted.
Want to learn more? Here are links to the plans:
Port of Seattle: pre-decisional plan, summary of the engagement process.
Northwest Seaport Alliance: draft implementation plan.
October 16th is Orca Recovery Day—Find a cleanup or planting event near your neighborhood here!
Want to join the Maritime Solutions Team? Attend our next meeting!
Team Planning Session
Tuesday, October 19, 7:00pm
Register here.
Can’t make the meeting but want to get plugged in? Email Stacy.
Later this month, we temporarily say goodbye to cruise ship pollution in Seattle and the Salish Sea as the 2021 season comes to an end. Ever wonder exactly what toxic stuff is coming out of the smokestacks and how it affects your health? The Port of Seattle wonders too, but not enough to actually monitor it! In a recent article by The Stranger, Are Cruise Ships Killing Seattle? It Depends How, Who, and When You Ask, in response to the question, “Is the air safe to breathe?” the Director of Maritime Sustainability gives a reassuring, “I don’t know. We’re not actively monitoring air emissions.” This response is even more unsatisfying because we already know that these smokestacks emit carcinogens, toxins, and the number one cause of environmental-related death, particulate matter.
And here’s a volunteer form to get involved with Seattle Cruise Control!
As we’ve mentioned before, King County is considering a policy that would eliminate most uses of fossil fuels like natural gas in commercial and large multifamily (over 5 stories) buildings in unincorporated King County. This policy is modelled after the energy codes Seattle passed in February, and as this new report, Methane Gas: Health, Safety, & Decarbonization indicates, very much needed.
Can you help King County pass their energy code updates?
We’re looking for community members to give testimony in the committee hearing. If you live or work in unincorporated King County your testimony would be especially impactful! It’s not hard—a two-minute public statement over Zoom (and we’ll help you prepare).
We’re still waiting for the exact committee hearing date for Unincorporated King County, but Shoreline and other local jurisdictions will be considering similar energy code updates in the near future, so here’s a great training opportunity to help you prepare!
Training – How to Give Public Testimony
Tuesday, October 12, 7:00–8:00pm
Online, register here.
We’ll cover talking points and best practices, with tips from Deepa Sivarajan of Climate Solutions and Former Seattle Councilmember Mike O’Brien!
And to get in the loop for updates, please fill out this form, or reach out to Joëlle.
We’re excited to invite you to participate in a series of five online trainings geared to prepare you to organize and campaign with resiliency and power. These trainings are free, and last 2 hours. Slides and other resources are provided to support local trainings. Participate in any or all!
Get all the details in this flyer and register here to receive the Zoom links.
All trainings are Saturdays 11:00am–1:00pm PT / 2:00–4:00pm ET:
Saturday, October 16th – Climate Justice: Principles of Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, intersections between climate and social justice movements, how to identify and address white supremacy culture and inequity in our groups and work.
Saturday, October 30th – Strategic Messaging: Why storytelling and messaging are essential to our work, how to create a just and equitable narrative that supports campaign strategies using non-extractive storytelling, and best practices for communicating our message.
Saturday, November 20th – Organizing and Movement Building: Why build a movement? How to recruit, engage, and onboard new volunteers, develop volunteer leadership, and build community.
Saturday, December 4th – Strategic Campaigning: How to choose a campaign, map out decision makers, allies and opponents, plan campaign goals, timeline, and roles, and select effective tactics using a justice and equity lens.
Saturday, December 18th – Policy Advocacy: How to advocate, how legislative bodies work, and how to influence elected officials—with examples from local affiliates to demonstrate common tactics and best practices.
Whether you are a new volunteer looking to jumpstart your activism skills, or a more experienced activist looking to stimulate thinking about new concepts and create stronger connections with peers across the movement, these trainings are for you!;
Can’t make a training? Recordings and resources will be posted in updates to that flyer. Facilitation by experienced trainers from 350 New Hampshire, 350 Bay Area, SanDiego350, 350 Vermont and 350 PDX in collaboration with 350.org’s training crew.
Here’s that register link again. See you at the trainings!
We recently passed the fall equinox, on September 23. The midpoint between two solstices, the equinox is a beautiful time to reflect on balance. In Seattle, the equinox also brought rain—a relieving balance to the dry and heat this summer. Yet the way we live in our world can feel anything but balanced.
Climate Grief and Empowerment
Saturday, November 13, 10:00–11:45am
Online, register here.
We invite you to join us and process grief for what this imbalance is costing our planetary and human systems. And for a time to renew our hopes and commitment to a future world that achieves a balanced state of being. Please join us for the next gathering of Climate Grief and Empowerment.
Singing our way through grief, joy, and collapse, we are a community of folks who believe in the regulating and unifying power of singing together! Anyone who joins us is The People’s Echo. All voices singing together are what matters, we don’t believe in “good” and “bad” voices—we believe in the healing potentials of community singing.
We have two events this month:
Online Song Workshop: The Art of Songcatching with Lux and Bex
Thursday, October 21, 6:00–8:00pm
Online, join with this link.
In-person Song Circle with Yin from Earth Practice & Ahlay from The People’s Echo
Sunday, October 24, 4:30–6:30pm
Seward Park, Seattle
More details on this shareable event page.
Sign up for the TPE newsletter to get maps to our locations, song invites and updates. Feel free to email Ahlay about any questions or inquiries!
Art makes our movement inviting and gives people of all ages and backgrounds a way to participate in important issues. Artful Activism makes our gorgeous banners, powerful and fun props, engaging music, theater, graphics, and more. We brainstorm creative ways to use art to its fullest potential, create inspiring visuals, projects, and song, and hold community outdoor art builds and do it at home projects to manifest our work. No skills required. Please join us!
Building Art Together
Join us for a few hours—drop ins welcome, bring family and friends! No skills needed, just smiling eyes and clothes for mess, your own mask, water and snack if you want one. (Masks required due to new Covid variants.) We’ll be making banners, props, and doing beautiful screen print painting.
In-person Art Builds for Solidarity Budget and Fossil Free Future youth-led global action
Sunday, October 24, 12:00–4:00pm
Sunday, November 7, 12:00–4:00pm
Outdoor location in Green Lake/Wallingford TBD based on weather
RSVP to Lisa for location.
We’re also still doing skilled art relays from home if that works better for you, and you already have some art or sewing skills you want to put to use.
If you are interested in either one or are more available and want to be on a short list of people who get contacted last minute for smaller art builds, please contact Lisa.
Deployment of our powerful and beautiful art!
No LNG overpass bannering for the Puyallup’s fight to keep the new LNG facility from starting! If you can help for an hour in the early evening (currently 5:30-6:30 pm on Thursdays at N. 50th St. in Seattle), contact Alison.
And if you are interested in other deployment opportunities and trainings to be able to guide last minute volunteers at events, we need YOU! Please contact Eric.
Join the Artful Workgroup
We’re looking for people with skills in any area of art including performance arts, visual arts like graphics, painting, drawing, screen printing, building props, etc. and people at any skill level with creative strategic humor and energy who like to brainstorm. Contact Lisa.
Not skilled? No worries, join us! We’ll teach you how! We all love to see the work we have our hand in making, make a difference in the world! No skills tasks like tracing, cutting, twisting ties, painting in between the lines, etc. are always needing people. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you want to try a little something more in a supportive, learning, fun, and connecting atmosphere with other people who care enough to show up like you are. Sign up here.
If you took photos at a recent 350 Seattle event, art build, or action and are willing to share what you captured with our community, we invite you to submit your best images to our Photo Library. Your photos will be saved for future use in our organization’s storytelling, including our outreach, communications, and fundraising efforts. Here are our guidelines for submitting photos to our library editors.
There’s always a lot happening in the climate justice movement, which is why we need folks like you who are there to capture it! Thank you for helping us illustrate our story.
New video of a recent action, showing the impact of art: Protest: Chase Bank, Bank of America & Canadian Consulate.
Check out the 350 Seattle YouTube page for awesome and growing content including DIY Art how-to videos, recordings of past general meetings, webinars, and trainings.
Do you care about climate justice? Are you looking for a way to volunteer, and hang out with some awesome folks in the process? Come join our 350 Seattle New Volunteer Orientation Training!
New Volunteer Orientation Training
Monday, October 18, 6:00–7:00pm
Online, register here.
We welcome new volunteers, or anyone who has been around the organization for a while and wants a refresher on what’s moving and how we go about our work. Hope to see you there!
Want more general information about 350 Seattle? Then check out our handy volunteer welcome guide.
Here are some really great ways to start on that path of engagement! Check out our Volunteer Opportunities List. Opportunities range from low commitment to high, introductory to skilled. All you have to do is find something you’re excited about and reach out! Unless otherwise noted, all opportunities can be done from home.
Unsure what you want to do? Still have questions about who we are and what we do? Schedule a time to chat with Shemona either by phone or video chat.
No time? Well, never fear—you can support the work we do at 350 Seattle by becoming a monthly donor! Sign up here!
Here comes our awesome annual fundraising event!
INTERTWINED! A celebration of our roots and resolve
Friday, November 12, “Doors” at 6:00pm, Program at 7:00pm!
Online, buy your tickets here!
We will be gathering online for a celebration of our interconnectedness and to raise money for our work to advance climate justice. More info on programming coming soon!
Are you with a business or organization that would like to sponsor the event? Click here to learn more!
From October through the end of the year a lot of businesses, government workplaces, and organizations run workplace giving campaigns, where employees can make charitable donations from their paychecks. And some workplaces match these donations automatically!
350 Seattle is so grateful to receive funds from employees at Microsoft, Adobe, Google, King County, Boeing, Washington State, and so many other places. If you work somewhere with a workplace giving campaign, please invite us to come speak. Email Valerie to connect.
If you’re a King County employee our code is 9997. In most other workplaces just look for 350 Seattle, tax ID 46-4201865.
Autumn well, friends! See you in the streets for the Fossil Free Future youth-led climate march!
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You can also keep up with 350 Seattle on Twitter or Facebook.
350 Seattle is an independent local affiliate of the global 350.org. We are not legally or financially connected to 350.org. We’re funded by supporters like you! Click here to make a donation today.
350 Seattle
5031 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
United States