
Resistance to Line 3 is ramping up on the frontlines in Minnesota and around the globe. On Friday more than 100 of us showed up with beautiful art to make our message clear to Chase:


We created a massive #DefundLine3 mural with our bodies. We erected a tarpee, a 50-foot inflatable pipeline, a bank tellers’ booth, and a 75-foot banner. We held the street for more than two hours, sharing powerful words, prayers, and songs. We also collectively wrote more than 200 postcards to Chase executives and took dozens of photos that we’ll be sending to Chase CEO Jamie Dimon. Send your own message to the bank executives funding Line 3 here.


The epidemic of missing Native people has been an invisible crisis for far too long. Roxanne White of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons (MMIP) is calling for volunteers for this action supporting National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, to help end the silence that has been used as violence against Indigenous people. More about MMIP here, and about MMIW here.

MMIP Prayer Walk and a Call for Justice Gathering
Saturday, May 15, 10:00am–4:00pm
Be’er Sheva Park, 8650 55th Ave S, Seattle 98118
RSVP and shareable event page here.

Help is needed! Volunteers wanted for setup starting at 8:00am, cleanup at the end, rides to and from the event for people or gear, rides up the hill near the end of the prayer walk, art deployment, and trained peacekeepers. To volunteer, contact Chris.


While the Puyallup Tribe and community members wait for a court verdict, (a decision that could invalidate needed permits) Puget Sound Energy wants permission to turn on the facility immediately. PSE began construction years before having key permits, ignoring formal Stop Work Requests from the Puyallup Tribal Government, and without meaningful consultation. This corporate bullying should not be rewarded.

Recently, Puyallup Water Warriors, Protectors of the Salish Sea, and kayaktivists held a twilight prayer vigil urging Puget Sound Energy’s CEO Mary Kipp urging her to rescind their request to begin operation and stand on the side of justice instead of perpetuating systemic racism and genocide. Send an email to PSE here.

Please watch and share this beautiful video of the vigil, featuring Native flute music by Paul Chiyokten Wagner – and here’s a Facebook post to share. Write letters to the editor of local news outlets or your local elected officials using this handy writing guide!

Want to be part of the Resistance Team? Join our biweekly zoom meetings to help plan artful actions, education opportunities, and more.

Tacoma LNG Resistance Team Meeting
Thursday, May 13, 12:00pm
Online, register here.

Would your organization like to host a #StandWithPuyallup solidarity event of some kind? Email Stacy to connect about ideas and available support!


Defund Line 3
As described above, on Friday we teamed up with Protectors of the Salish Sea and Mazaska Talks to shut down a street outside of the Chase branch in Ballard. Gobally that same day, Stop the Money Pipeline coordinated a #DefundLine3 day of action with nearly 100 actions across the US and in 9 other countries, including Costa Rica, Switzerland, and Japan. Please enjoy and share the Seattle action online here or here!

Trans Mountain and Insurance
Up north, there have been some developments in the fight against Trans Mountain, the other massive tar sands pipeline that is currently being built. Last week, Canadian regulators approved Trans Mountain’s request to keep the names of the companies providing insurance coverage for the pipeline completely secret, alleging that “ongoing targeting and pressure on those insurers to stop insuring the Pipeline are likely to result in material loss to Trans Mountain and its shippers.” They are right to be worried. Last year, thanks to our pressure, three insurers cut ties with Trans Mountain!

Despite the secrecy ruling, a broad coalition of Indigenous communities and environmental groups including 350 Seattle are ramping up pressure on insurers that haven’t ruled out supporting the massive tar sands pipeline, starting with the ones named on the certificate of insurance in 2020: AIG, Chubb, and Liberty Mutual. Send a message to those companies here (select “take action” on the right), and stay tuned for more ways to plug into the campaign soon.

Shareholder Season
In the coming months, we could see a radical shift in how fast the world’s biggest polluters address the climate crisis―if the world’s largest investors take action this shareholder season. That’s why Stop the Money Pipeline has created the Shareholder Season Climate Scorecard and is calling on State Treasurers to vote incompetent directors off of company boards at banks like Chase and Wells Fargo. Check out the scorecard and send Washington State Treasurer Mike Pellicotti a message here.

As always, you can stay up to date with everything happening with Stop the Money Pipeline by signing up here.


A few months ago, tech workers with Amazon Employees for Climate Justice (AECJ) filed a shareholder resolution asking Amazon to report on the company’s pollution that is disproportionately located in communities of color. It was a shareholder resolution that kicked off action resulting in the company’s Climate Pledge, and environmental justice should be the next conversation. But this time, Amazon challenged the AECJ shareholder resolution and got it excluded from the ballot.

AECJ and People’s Collective for Environmental Justice (PCEJ) are co-hosting a briefing on how Amazon can address its environmental racism the day before the annual shareholder meeting. Amazon tech workers are keeping the pressure on this critical issue and they invite climate activists’ support! So please join them:

Amazon’s Environmental Racism
Tuesday, May 25, 12:00–1:00pm
Watch the livestream here.

Learn from U.S. frontline communities living with Amazon’s delivery pollution about the solutions need to address the disproportionate harm the company is causing in their neighborhoods. You can read stories here about PCEJ community members’ experiences with warehouses and diesel truck pollution expanding around their homes and schools in southern California.

If you or anyone you know currently works at Amazon and wants to get involved with this campaign, please reach out to


Speaking of disproportionate harm, please click here to send a message to Tacoma City Council asking them to honor the wishes of the Puyallup Tribe, local community members, and the city’s own climate emergency resolution, and accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation to ban existing fossil fuel facilities on the Tideflats (known today as Port of Tacoma) from any further expansion.

Tacoma City Council will vote on Tuesday, May 18th.


Ban the scrubbers!
Tell Joe Biden and Justin Trudeau to ban scrubbers in the North American Emissions Control Area! The Department of Ecology and Port of Seattle recently banned cruise ships from discharging scrubber wastewater into Puget Sound. But no such restrictions apply to the shipping industry, which accounts for significantly more vessel traffic in local waters. This means our kelp forests, salmon and orcas are still vulnerable to the heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrates and acidification effects of wastewater dumping.

Worldwide, cruise ships represent only 4% of the scrubber-equipped fleet but account for 15% of scrubber washwater discharges. Container ships, bulk carriers, and oil tankers are responsible for 70% of scrubber discharges. While the effects of dumping this waste on the Puget Sound are not yet fully understood, studies suggest that it may accelerate ocean acidification, which will affect many aspects of our Puget Sound ecosystem, including kelp forests. You can learn more about the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification in the Puget Sound Kelp Conservation and Recovery Plan.

Earth Day Celebration
Complete with kayaktivists, colorful art, and a dolphin press conference, we came together to celebrate the absence of polluting cruise ships from the Salish Sea over the last year. Thank you to everyone that organized, attended, or shared on social media the #CruiseFreeSalishSea Earth Day Celebration!

We also took this time to urge Commissioners and staff at the Port of Seattle to reassess planned future expansions like an additional cruise terminal at T46, expansion of Seatac airport, and the deepening of the harbor to accommodate the world’s largest container ships. We must recognize that #ExpansionEqualsExtinction when those expansions are of fossil fuel intensive industry. Please watch and share this inspiring video from the event with friends and family!

Check out or follow Seattle Cruise Control on social media for more local cruise ship news and info.

Want to join the Maritime Solutions Team?
Join us as we dig into Maritime topics together and work towards justice-centered solutions.

Maritime Team Planning Session
Tuesday, May 18, 7:00pm
Register here!

Can’t make the meeting but want to get plugged in? Contact Stacy.


Bring Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut home
Many of you know about the orca whale named Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (previously known as Tokitae/Lolita) who was stolen from her family in the Pacific Northwest and has been held captive in a small cement pool at the Miami Seaquarium since 1970. Through the Sacred Land Conservancy, Lummi representatives have introduced a Proclamation to ensure her safe return to her family and home. To refresh your memory, watch this short film, or see the individual petition below.

In the spirit of Netse Mot (“one heart and one mind”) for the Salish Sea, we are being called by Lummi to show support by adding our names to endorse this plan and share it with our networks!

Individuals can sign and share this petition. Representatives of organizations are invited to sign on here.

For more information, please visit

Red Road to DC
House of Tears Carvers is celebrating their 20th Anniversary of the Totem Pole Journey, beginning with a grassroots Pacific Northwest tour (April 19-May 24) and a West Coast tour (May 26-June 30) in the Spirit of Healing, Honor, Hospitality, Respect and Protection. Updates and upcoming events can be found here.

Those local tours will be followed by a national tour, July 13th thru August 4. Now is the time to implement policies to protect, restore, and renew sacred places, lands, and waterways; and redefine the principles that shape land and water regulation and management in the United States on the basis of tribal sovereignty and Nation to Nation relations. This cross-country tour will connect twenty of the country’s Native-led struggles where sacred lands, waters, and wildlife are imperiled by dams, climate change, and extractive industries. Learn more about the journey here.


Using a node model organized into topics of interest, deepening our anti-oppression work through education, action, and reflection, our two current nodes are centered around immigration justice and Indigenous sovereignty and solidarity. Nodes meet bi-weekly, in addition to a larger monthly meeting for all the nodes.

Monthly All Nodes Meeting
Sunday, May 16th, 5:00pm

All are welcome. Contact Anna or Meg O. for a Zoom link or to set you up for a one-on-one conversation about joining a node. Hope to see you there!


Our Federal wonks continue the difficult work of discerning what is actually happening in Congress with regard to climate legislation.

First, there’s the President’s infrastructure package, the American Jobs Plan (not fully drafted yet), and then there are a myriad of bills on climate—some exciting, like the Keep it in the Ground Act of 2021, and others which are pretty weak.

What we do know is that the President is pushing a Clean Energy Standard as part of his infrastructure package. While that sounds good, it currently includes fracked gas and carbon capture—which dangerously exacerbates climate injustice. So instead, along with several national groups including the Center for Biological Diversity, Food & Water Watch, and the Indigenous Environmental Network, we are urging Congress and the administration to set a path to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

A renewable energy standard would maximize proven renewable energy technologies like solar and wind. So, please call your Congressional representative, and urge them to push for a Renewable Energy Standard—one that excludes false solutions like carbon capture and fracked gas!

Want to help? To get on our federal policy team listserv, sign up here.


Climate policy is complex, and many people of goodwill differ on the effectiveness and fairness of some policies. So we wrote this just for you!  


Thanks to your help, the 350 Washington Civic Action Team (CAT) mobilized 400+ people to take a collective 18,000+ individual advocacy actions, three times as many as last year.So, what went down? Here’s our recap of what passed and what didn’t.

You’re invited! Join the CAT to celebrate victories on police accountability, progressive revenue, affordable housing in the Growth Management Act, and direct regulation of hydrofluorocarbons!

2021 Legislative Session Wrap-up Celebration
Thursday, May 13, 6:30–8:00pm
Online, register here.

And, as you may have heard, despite the CAT’s best efforts to warn legislators about the dangers of using a market system to trade pollution credits, cap and trade passed. So here’s some look-ahead reading for citizen watch dogs: the latest assessment of California’s bogus carbon offsets and a cautionary report on British Petroleum’s move into carbon offset trading. Please share them with your friends, since we’re going to need plenty of informed citizens keeping an eye on state agencies as they implement the Washington version of this market program.


The most contentious issue in Washington State politics might be the future of transportation. The 16-year transportation package was the most visible piece of unfinished business as the recent legislative session ended. The Governor may call for a special session later this year specifically to address this issue, and 350 Seattle will continue to vigorously advocate for a just and sustainable approach to transportation—one that does not expand our already bloated road system, and instead fully funds transit and pedestrian / bicycle infrastructure. The best way to tune in is to email Ingrid.

Do you think Lake Washington Boulevard should be safer for bikes and pedestrians? If you do, check out this campaign and follow the link to the City’s survey to let your preferences be known.

There will be a memorial walk and bike ride for slain cyclist Michael Colmant on Saturday, May 15 at 2pm. He was killed while riding his bike on Seward Park Avenue on Sunday, April 11th by a driver in a hit-and-run. Get details here if you would like to attend.


With Washington’s eviction moratorium expiring on June 30, we need strong renter protections to prevent a tidal wave of evictions. That’s why 350 Seattle has joined Transit Riders Union, Solid Ground, Nicklesville, Tenants Union, and others to champion common-sense renter protections for Seattle and King County.

New legislation would protect renters by preventing retaliatory and discriminatory evictions, protecting against exorbitant move-in fees and late fees, providing longer notice of large rent increases, and more. But the Rental Housing Association and other corporate landlord lobby groups are fighting hard to weaken or kill this legislation.

Join 350 Seattle and the Stay Housed Stay Healthy coalition for a virtual rally, briefing on the proposals, and opportunities to take action. Closed captioning will be available.

Housing is Healthcare: Virtual Rally for King County Renter Protections
Tuesday, May 11, 6:00–7:30pm
Register here and shareable event page here.

We need renters and community members across King County to stand together and make sure it stays strong!


Like you, dear reader, we believe that reducing climate emissions is a critical component of transportation planning, but apparently a few D4 residents are needed to help convince Seattle City Council Member Alex Pedersen, who chairs the City Council’s Transportation Committee.

Can you help by asking climate-related questions at a D4 virtual town hall this Tuesday from 6:00–7:30pm?

If so, please email Ingrid!


Join our LNG Resistance-themed rock painting parties! You’ll be amazed at how much fun this is!

LNG Resistance Rocks!–In person
Thursday, May 27, 6:00pm
Gas Works Park, 2101 N Northlake Way, Seattle, 98103
In person at the covered area near the children’s playground.
Shareable event page here.

We will have paints, brushes, and some rocks, but please bring your own too if you have any! Plan to wear masks, bring a water bottle, and dress for the weather.

LNG Resistance Rocks!–Virtual
Thursday, June 3, 6:00pm
Register here!

All you need is a few rocks, and some paint. While we paint, we’ll have some social time, and also learn more about the LNG resistance.

We will have an event in June (location/date coming soon!) where we can gather, socially distanced, for a fun family-friendly day outside doing a painted rock hunt, creating more resistance art, and hearing from speakers about the Tacoma LNG Resistance, and how we can hold PSE accountable while we wait for the court’s decision.


Join us in brainstorming creative ways to use art to its fullest potential or join an inspiring project or powerful song circle already under way. All skill levels welcome! We want you!

Street murals as the weather warms
Painting in Seattle for No LNG, Defund Line 3, and more. Risk is low with washable paint on public property! Contact Lisa C to be added to the Signal thread for more details, coordinating, and COVID safety conversations!

Vision Quilt! We still have squares that need your loving drawings with fabric pens!
Make a square at home with a packet we supply, and maybe give a few words of your vision of a thriving future for the border. We’re quilting our visions and our dreams so others can imagine the future that supports all life. To participate, please sign up on this form now, or with questions, contact Kat.

Relay art builds from home
Would you like to participate in a skilled team doing relay from your home to do one or more each of the following and pass it back or along? Banner and prop making: skilled with a box cutter, design, projection, painting, or sewing? Ongoing for various events of ours and for other groups we work with, including this month No LNG, Stop Line 3, La Resistencia, Green New Deal, and more. Interested in helping? Please contact Lisa M.

Deployment of our beautiful art!
The May 15th Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Prayer Walk needs volunteers! Please contact Eric.

In-person outdoor small socially distanced art builds
Starting to happen as the weather warms and COVID rates go down. Join our email list to find out when!

Join the Artful Workgroup
We’re looking for people with creative strategic humor and skills in any area of art: creative guerilla art ideas and energy, for those ready to do painted mural, chalk art, and other creative outdoor social distance art forms at any skill level. We welcome all skill levels in any art form. Not skilled? No worries, join us! Sign up here.

Check out our videos
Looking for a recording of the last general meeting, DIY how-to videos, webinars, and trainings? Check out the 350 Seattle YouTube page for awesome content like Stencils for Street Messaging and How to Edit a Video on Your Phone!


The People’s Echo is a collective of social justice/climate activists and singer-songwriters. We create and share songs that are medicine for us in these mysterious times. We sing for the healing of ourselves, each other, and the earth. Singing together is a human birthright that has less to do with “sounding good” and more to do with settling into our bodies, calming our nervous systems, and being together in community. Anyone who joins us for song teach-ins, actions, events and beyond is a part of The People’s Echo and we invite the broader community to join us in song.

“Songset” In Person Song Teach-In with special guests Earth Practice
Saturday, May 22, 6:30–9:00pm
Carkeek Park, 950 NW Carkeek Park Rd, Seattle, 98177
RSVP and shareable event page.

Please wear masks and social distance—bring chairs and/or blankets to sit on. Email Ahlay for accessibility or other inquiries.

Online Song Teach-In with Aaron Johnson & Porsha Beed from Holistic Resistance
Wednesday, May 26, 6:00–7:30pm
Online, Zoom link here.


“This is a framework for personal and social change in the face of overwhelming crises—a way of transforming despair and apathy into collaborative action.” – Joanna Macy

It is okay—even healthy—to feel a multitude of emotions in the face of social injustices and climate change. It’s a feedback loop that can spur you to action.

Climate Grief and Empowerment Group–Second Saturdays
Saturday, June 12, 10:00–11:45am
Online, register here.

You’re invited to join community members in moving through grief to empowerment using a process called The Work that Reconnects.


We met our $20,000 goal! Thank you 170+ donors!

Meant to give but haven’t yet? Want to push us a little bit higher?

Our Give Big donation page is open until midnight on May 10th!

Strength in solidarity, friends!


To unsubscribe or change your email preferences click here
You can also keep up with 350 Seattle on Twitter or FacebookDonations always appreciated and put to good use.
350 Seattle
5031 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
United States
