Why do I think this is a more true rendering of the project than boats in a covered dock?
My deep apologies to not attach the pdf document here and will be asking for help.

You have previously provided comments on a permitting action for Northwest Innovation Works Kalama. Southwest Clean Air Agency is proposing to extend the deadline for start of construction as provided in the permit. Attached is a copy of the public notice for this activity.
2018-11-08 Northwest Innovation Works – Kalama – Extension SWCAA Comment Request 16-3204ADP WebR
More information can be found at http://www.swcleanair.org/permits/othernotices.asp web page.
For comments or questions direct those to wess@swcleanair.org
Southwest Clean Air Agency
Tina Hallock, Administrative Assistant
11815 NE 99th St, Ste 1294
Vancouver, WA 98682
Tel (360)574-3058 x 110