Time is running out to let Governor Inslee know that we demand expedited removal of the Lower Snake River dams. This is the best way to provide the chinook salmon that the Southern Resident starving orca desperately need.
Take 2 minutes to call his office today:360-902-4111.
To build momentum for this mandate, Backbone produced three orca murals across the State last weekend – and another one is planned for this Friday at the Capitol.
Thank you to Roni for creatively deploying the mural on San Juan Island, and to Debbie and Art for organizing and facilitating one in Bellingham.
Bill took the orca grid to Spokane; the video at right of the action shows Eastern Washington residents who care about the Salish Sea orca and Snake River chinook salmon. Watch, then call the Governor: 360-902-4111.
PO Box 278, Vashon, WA 98070, United States
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