An image of statistics from last year's Ecochallenge and the collective impact.
Plastic Free Ecochallenge: July 1-31, 2020
Plastic Free Ecochallenge starts in one week, presented by and a coalition of North American zoos and aquariums!
One of the primary missions of zoos and aquariums is conservation. Reducing our plastic use helps to conserve wildlife and ecosystems by preventing plastic pollution, which can be mistaken for food by many wild animals. An estimated 71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles have been found with plastics in their stomachs. When marine wildlife ingest plastic, they have a 50% mortality rate. When animals get entangled in plastic pollution, their ability to move, grow, and feed properly is restricted.
Join us for Plastic Free Ecochallenge all of July. Dedicate 31 days to practice bettering your habits to help conserve wildlife and natural habitats. Reduce your plastic use for the health of the natural world, our bodies, our communities, and those who suffer the greatest from pollution and this climate crisis.
an image of words "join us and explore all actions now" Plastic Free Ecochallenge July 1 through 31. Website is
three quotes from plastic free ecochallenge participants
a quote written out by hand that reads, "social justice is love applied to systems, policies and cultures". quote by Bermice King.
Seeing Systems: Peace, Justice, and Sustainability
The disparities within our social systems are glaring. But as we’re experiencing through global protests right now, people working together can increase their power and impact for positive change. Hundreds of thousands of people have already been doing this all around the globe — crowd-sourcing solutions and impacting their communities positively. You’ll find many of their stories in Seeing Systems: Peace, Justice, and Sustainability.
We invite you to explore the interconnectedness of our current crises — and how we move toward living versions of peaceful, just, and sustainable systems in our world — by organizing or participating in a Seeing Systems discussion group. Delving into the tangled systems of injustice is always heavy work, but it can also be a joyous and empowering experience — by building networks of relationships, people power can expand, and together, we can make a real difference for good.
Use promo code ‘BLM5’ to purchase the ebook version of Seeing Systems for $5.00.
an image of a button with words, "read seeing systems excerpt"
an image of a button with words, "organize a seeing systems book club"
an image of the words "what we're reading"

an image of a protest for black lives matter with signs that say, "defund the police" and "stop police brutality"
[READ] Want to eliminate waste? Then let’s eliminate prisons, too.
– Medium
an image of a button that says "read"

an illustration of various people planting, gardening, watering, and more
[READ] Black Environmentalists Talk About Climate and Anti-Racism – New York Times
an image of a button that says "read"

an image of a man standing in front of a huge landfill of trash and plastic waste
[READ] Why Plastic Pollution Is Fundamentally an Environmental Justice Issue – No Plastic Please
an image of a button that says "read"
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We are dedicated to connecting the dots between the climate movement and environmental justice. And we are dedicated to being actively anti-racist within and without the sustainability world. Your support directly helps us make our Ecochallenges and Discussion Courses accessible to all. Please give today!
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107 SE Washington Street #251, Portland, OR 97214

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We write our emails to you with care and intention. Stay in the know about upcoming Ecochallenges, impacts and insights, sustainability resources, what we’re reading, who we are following, and more.
