In 2017, JPMorgan Chase increased its funding of tar sands by 400%. Chase management is also currently trying to block the introduction of a shareholder resolution that would force the bank to do a study of the risks associated with tar sands investments.
On Monday, there were #ShutDownChase actions in 16 cities across the country — from coast-to-coast and in half-a-dozen states. Now, with Chase’s Annual General Meeting less than a week away we’re asking you to help keep the action going.
On Monday here in Seattle, we partnered with Indigenous allies to shut down a downtown street outside of Chase’s Pacific Northwest HQ. Outside, we had four tarpees, a model longhouse, trees, music, art and imagery; inside, Indigenous women held a ceremony and called on Chase leadership to come down and talk with us.
We know we have Chase’s attention now — but we need to keep it up, and we need your help to do that. The more emails they receive, they more they know this is an issue that won’t simply go away.
Please write Chase’s executive board today.
Stopping Chase’s dirty business practices will deal a blow to destructive fossil fuel projects around the world. Each letter we write calling on Chase to do the right thing builds support for clean air, clean water, and human rights. Let’s keep the pressure going until Chase realizes that the consequences of its fossil fuel investments far outweigh the returns.
In solidarity,
Alec with 350 Seattle
P.S. Also, please watch and share our #ShutDownChase wrap-up video here.