Dear Jeanne,
I hope you are having a great summer so far! I am especially excited to be sharing this month’s bulletin with you because it includes our most recent Annual Report, which clocks in at dozens of pages showcasing the incredible achievements we accomplished together last year. Your partnership in our global fight for climate justice has been invaluable, and we are deeply grateful. This year’s report is especially worth your time, because we have taken all of our many learnings and decided to shift more of our effort to fighting FOR climate solutions. The hour is late, and we desperately need to build the world we need: governments are moving too slowly – without movement pressure, the limit of 1.5°C warming, needed to prevent increasingly dangerous and irreversible climate change impacts, escapes from view.
As you’ll read in this bulletin, and probably already know either from the news or personal experience – the climate impacts felt this summer have been extreme. Record heatwaves and unprecedented flooding make up only a handful of these headlines. The climate crisis is here and now – but so are we. We fought tirelessly in 2022, and we are not slowing down. We are fighting to replace anti-climate utility companies in Maine, we are educating the public on the connection between extreme weather events and the climate crisis, we are holding the UK government accountable to the climate pledges they already made (and demanding more!). We will fight even harder each year until we win – we will not rest until then, there is too much at stake.
Thank you for all you do to power our fight! None of this would be possible without your support.
P.S. Reminder that we have a new mailing address:, PO Box 843004, Boston, MA 02284-3004.
What were we up to last year?
We are excited to share our Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Annual Report with you. In total, last year we supported 260+ campaigns from key allies, led 420+ actions, mobilized ~90,000 people, and trained 12,000+ activists. Our guiding pillars were: building the movement of the future, keeping fossil fuels in the ground, stopping fossil fuel finance, and powering up equitable and just transitions. We can’t wait for you to dive in and learn more about what we were able to achieve, together.
Supporting Statewide Sustainable Utilities Organizing in Maine:
At, we are enthusiastically supporting local groups organizing in Maine for the Pine Tree Power Ballot Initiative, a first-of-its-kind climate solution that provides a sustainable alternative to their state’s oil and gas utilities companies.
Everything 350 Europe, all at once!
Across the pond, our team in Europe has been hard at work this month. Our team in the UK has been (successfully!) pressuring their government to stick to their £11.6bn climate funding pledge. Our team in Germany launched an ambitious new campaign pushing local energy providers to ditch the fossil gas lobby that so many of them belong to. Our team in France staged several actions outside of President Macron’s global climate finance summit in Paris to make their message clear: prioritize people over profit!
Heatwaves are increasing – stay safe, and fight back against polluters!
The climate impacts we have been seeing this summer have made it crystal clear that the work we are doing is critical. Temperatures continue to soar around the world, with heatwaves becoming more frequent and intense (breaking the record for the hottest day ever measured on Earth). This can pose a serious health risk – we put together this guide to help you stay cool in a heat wave.
Things will get much worse if we don’t call on governments to make fossil fuel companies pay for this crisis and use the funds for building a green economy that works for people and the planet – sign our petition to #MakePollutersPay today!
We stand in solidarity with İkizköy villagers in Turkey defending the Akleben Forest:
350 Turkey and climate partners in the region have been protecting the Akleben Forest from coal mining expansion since 2019. This week, loggers, supported by local police, entered the forest and began to chop down the trees. İkizköy villagers and local supporters attempting to enter the forest to stop them were met with violence and intimidation tactics – eight people were detained and four injured, including a 92-year-old woman. What is happening in İkizköy is not an isolated incident. Profiteering fossil fuel companies harm local communities, and our environment, globally.
We stand in solidarity with the İkizköy villagers, and condemn violence towards people who are trying to protect their homes, the livelihoods of their local communities and the planet.
PO Box 843004, Boston, MA 02284-3004
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