Last week, over 1000 people joined the kickoff call for the March to End Fossil Fuels. The march is still three months away, but people are already excited and looking to get involved.
In order to harness that energy for this massive climate march in New York City this September, we’re hosting our first big call for volunteers. If you want to connect with other climate activists, learn new skills, and make this march a huge success, this is the call for you. Can you join us on Thursday, July 6th, at 7pm ET for our first volunteer call?
On the call, we will cover some basic details to get everyone up to speed, then break into three different groups:
New York City residents, who can do lots of in-person outreach and promotion for the march.
People outside of New York City who want to bring others from their community to the march.
Anyone who wants to volunteer from home by making phone calls or sending text messages to ask other people to join the march.
This call will be participatory and interactive – it’s time to get to work! Here are the details.
What: Volunteer Call for the March to End Fossil Fuels When: Thursday, July 6th, 7-8pm ET Who: Anyone who wants to get involved! Where: On Zoom. Sign up here for the Zoom link.
The climate crisis is one of the greatest challenges we face. It will take all of us to force President Biden to stand up to Big Oil and lead the transition off fossil fuels, and this march is one way we can do that. If you want to be a part of this historic movement, please join the volunteer call on July 6th!
March to End Fossil Fuels organizing team
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