This week is the Peoples’ Earth Week, and activists have been putting hundreds of climate movement posters up in community spaces, bank walls, and other highly visible places all across the country.
#PeoplesEarthWeek mural in Berkeley, CA
Can you amplify the Peoples’ Earth Week on social media?
We may not have the money to take out million-dollar TV ads, but we have the power to blanket the nation in posters and stickers that shine a light on Wall Street’s financing of those projects.
In total, 1,300+ people received 60,000 climate art posters for the Peoples’ Earth Week, and we’ve already seen the art being used in Colorado, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York,Oregon, Virginia, and Washington DC.
If you haven’t managed to use your art yet, don’t worry. We’re expecting Earth Day ― this Saturday ― to be the biggest day of arts-based action during the Peoples’ Earth Week.
After all, what better way is there to celebrate Earth Day than by simultaneously making the world a more beautiful place, and exposing those who are truly responsible for the climate crisis?
In Solidarity,
– the Stop the Money Pipeline team
PS: You can look for more photos of the art to amplify by searching for the hashtag #PeoplesEarthWeek
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