11: Pre-session Lobbying meetings with legislators
90: Days left in the legislative session!
Hello Jeanne,
Welcome to week three of the legislative session!
For those who are new, throughout the session we’ll send two weekly emails with curated actions based on how bills are unfolding in “virtual Olympia”. We’ll include everything you’ll need to take action on climate. Feel free to share this email, and let friends know to sign up for CAT!
Back in December our 350 WA CAT leads worked together with Our Climate, Sunrise Movement and WEC/WCV to help organize pre-session lobbying meetings between constituents and legislators across the state. These meetings were a big success and helped 350 WA build relationships and gave us insight on what a virtual session will look like. Thanks to all who participated! This is the beginning of deepening our legislative civic action.
This week we’ll be taking action on a range of issues: Affordable Housing, Reducing Plastic Pollution, Reducing Carbon Emissions and Improving Fair Labor Standards and making our police more accountable to Washington residents.
Please let us know if the actions we’re sending are too much, too little, or just right. We always appreciate your feedback!
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