When you think of the retirement company Vanguard, what comes to mind?
Vanguard might be thought of as a company used by many to invest and plan their futures. Vanguard touts itself as a people-focused and family-friendly financial planning resource. There’s one massive, glaring problem with this framing though: Vanguard is one of the world’s largest investors in climate destruction and refuses to change course away from the sinking ship of its toxic climate investments.
Enter the Yes Men, a group of trickster activists with a track record of creatively calling out hypocrisy. Throughout this year, Yes Men activists have been hosting Vanguard S.O.S. eco-doom carnival pop-up events on Vanguard’s home turf around Philadelphia. These events have been resounding successes; community members are quite interested in what the Vanguard S.O.S. campaign is all about and often leave the booth eager to hear more. Watch this video shot on Vanguard’s home turf:
Naturally, Vanguard isn’t too happy about a community carnival to humorously call attention to their climate shortcomings. Their leadership would love it if no one saw the Yes Men’s recap video highlighting the eco-doom events.
We know sharing a video might seem inconsequential on the surface; we wouldn’t be asking if we didn’t think it was worth your time. It’s absolutely critical at this point in the campaign that Vanguard’s leadership see and understand that more and more people want Vanguard to take meaningful action to address its climate failings. Click here to watch and share the Vanguard S.O.S. eco-doom carnival recap video.
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In solidarity,
– the Stop the Money Pipeline team
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