Dear Jeanne,

I wanted to make sure that you saw my previous email. This winter, a company called SAExploration will conduct a seismic test in the Arctic Refuge to determine how much oil is under the protected area. This highly invasive and destructive process will permanently scar the landscape, leaving Big Oil’s imprint in the Arctic Refuge forever.

Destroying the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge will never make moral sense. But the good news is: we can stop this. The world is quickly shifting to renewable energy, and soon enough, fossil fuels will be a thing of the past. If we can stop or delay dirty projects like this for just a few years, it’s likely that they won’t ever happen – our economy will have moved on and new fossil fuel projects won’t make economic sense.

Will you join us in demanding that SAExploration withdraw its permit application?

Dear Jeanne,

Earlier this spring, United States government officials made a catastrophic decision to fast track selling out the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. And now, we finally know who’s first in line to make money off the deal.

A company called SAExploration just applied for a permit to conduct seismic testing for oil in the Arctic Refuge. This is the first step to destroying a sacred and inspiring wilderness.


Seismic testing is deadly for the wildlife that call the Arctic home, and much of the coastal plain is designated as critical bear habitat. As Arctic sea ice retreats, more polar bears are denning on land. Mother bears and cubs are at risk of being disturbed — or even worse, run over in their underground dens — by SAExploration’s heavy machinery.

We can’t let this happen. The company wants to spin seismic testing as a sophisticated, “3D” technology — but the reality is absolutely brutal.

Will you join us in demanding that SAExploration withdraw its permit application?

We know that the company could care less about its corporate responsibility. In fact, this is what its website says:

SAExploration says lorem ipsum dolor; that’s just nonsense and not even real Latin. We say SAExploration has no business being in the Arctic.

Join the movement to save the Arctic Refuge from drilling. Sign here.

Fighting back against Big Oil can seem like a daunting task. We know it won’t be easy. But we know it is possible, because at, that is what we do. When Kinder Morgan wanted to expand its pipeline in Canada and carry dirty tar sands through critical wildlife habitat, we joined together with communities throughout BC to follow the leadership of First Nations and put a halt to this terrible idea. When the people stand together, extraordinary things happen.

The world is quickly shifting to renewable energy, and soon enough, fossil fuels will be a thing of the past. If we can stop or delay dirty projects like this for just a few years, it’s likely that they won’t ever happen, because our economy will have moved on and new fossil fuel projects won’t make economic sense. And destroying the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge will never make moral sense.

In solidarity,
Matt Krogh
Extreme Oil Director

Stand challenges corporations, industries, and governments to prioritize the well-being of people, our environment, and our climate by creating long-term, effective solutions. None of this work is possible without your support.
Traditional Chochenyo and Karkin Ohlone Lands
650 California Street, 7th Floor, San Francisco CA 94108

Traditional Lummi and Nooksack Lands
1329 N State St., Bellingham, WA 98225

The Unceded Territories of the Səl̓ílwətaʔ, xʷməθkwəy̓əm, and Skwxwú7mesh Nations
802-207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver BC, V6B1H7
