Backbone Campaign

The Upstream Tour Launches March 4th, & We Need Your Help!


The Columbia and Snake Rivers connect Eastern and Western Washington. The salmon that travel them are the blood of this place, bringing nutrients to people, forests and orca. So many in our State and region, like you, want to live alongside thriving communities of orca and healthy rivers filled with abundant runs of salmon.

Backbone Campaign is embarking on an Upstream Tour of the Columbia Snake Watershed, to meet, engage, and record the many voices that see dam removal as an urgent priority. We’ll celebrate salmon, healthy rivers, orca, forests and the people of the river with art, story, and action — to help turn the tide away from an age of destruction and toward a time of renewed abundance.

This is a watershed moment, thanks to Tahlequah, the orca mother who carried her deceased newborn calf for 17 days and over 1000 miles. Backbone’s Upstream Tour is an opportunity for redemption. It is a chance for descendants of settlers to undo some of the damage we’ve caused. It is an opportunity to reconnect to the sacred economy of salmon by removing obstacles like the lower Snake River dams.

With the Governor seemingly open to exploring dam removal and the Legislature in session now, this is our moment to build needed pressure to breach the derelict dams.

But we need YOUR help and support – can you lend a hand with making calls, media outreach, logistics support, prepping the giant box truck with a beautiful painting of orca and salmon, fundraising?

  • RSVP HERE for the call. After you RSVP, look in your email for the Zoom link to access the call on Friday.
  • Pitch in with a tax deductible contribution, either on our website HERE or on facebook HERE.  Share the Facebook Fundraiser with your community.
  • Want to volunteer? Sign up HERE or send an email to and we’ll follow up with you right away.

Backbone Campaign ·
Backbone Campaign LogoPO Box 278, Vashon, WA 98070, United States
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* Thank YOU for supporting the Backbone Campaign located in Vashon, WA. Backbone Campaign is registered with Washington State’s Charities Program as required by law and additional information is available by calling 800-332-4483 or visiting

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