We have great news: with over 375,000 signatures gathered, I-1631 — a bold plan to raise billions of dollars from corporate polluters for renewable energy projects and green jobs —was placed on the ballot for November. A massive congratulations and thank you to all of you who gathered signatures.
Now, the real work begins. We expect the oil industry to spend at least $25 million to oppose I-1631 between now and November. But we have something more powerful than money — people power.
Can you sign up here to connect with a 350 local group and join the people-powered Yes on 1631 Campaign?
Between now and November we are going to contact almost one million Washingtonians so they know what is at stake on the ballot: clean air, clean water, and climate justice. To do this, we are going to have to mobilize thousands of volunteers from all across the state. We’ll be knocking on tens of thousands of doors from Spokane to Port Angeles, Tacoma to Wenatchee, Vancouver to Bellingham.
Wherever you are in WA, can you sign up now to stay in touch with the Yes on 1631 Campaign?
By signing up, you become a part of this campaign. You’ll be looped into everything happening with this historic initiative, and be the first to know about upcoming events, potential actions, and the latest updates on the campaign. You’ll be all set to plug in and help pass this hugely important climate justice measure at the ballot!
In solidarity,
Masada, 350.org and Alec, 350 Seattle
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