By now, you know the story: financial institutions like banks and asset managers are driving climate chaos by pouring billions of dollars into fossil fuels. But that’s not the only way that Wall Street is driving the climate and ecological crisis.
Every year, billions of dollars flow from financial institutions to companies destroying forests all over the world. From fossil fuels to mining to big agribusiness, these companies are responsible for the destruction of millions of acres of forested land. This is a disaster for people and the planet: because trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air, cutting down forests destroys these important carbon sinks and worsens the climate crisis. It also destroys habitats, threatens biodiversity, and frequently violates the land rights of forest-dwelling communities and Indigenous peoples.
This cannot continue: Wall Street needs to be held accountable. That’s why we are beginning a month of action to tell the big banks and asset managers to defund deforestation, and you can help.
On our webinar, you’ll hear from speakers including Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, activist and former UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and Maria Luisa Mendonça of the Network for Human Rights and Social Justice in Brazil, about how Wall Street is financing the destruction of forests around the world, violating Indigenous rights and making the climate crisis worse—and together, we will take action to fight back.
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