In the midst of a deadly pandemic, Enbridge is bringing thousands of out-of-state workers to Minnesota to build an oil pipeline that violates Ojibwe treaty rights, threatens pristine natural ecosystems and would be devastating to our climate.

Coronavirus has only made an already dangerous pipeline even more so. If built, Line 3 would transport close to one million barrels of tar sands oil ― one of the most carbon-intensive of all fossil fuels ― to foreign markets. It would be as damaging to the climate as building fifty new coal-fired power plants.

Line 3 could not be built without the support of Wall Street. That’s why we are delivering a message to the banks, insurance companies and asset managers: Fund the Line 3 and Keystone XL pipelines and there will be consequences.

Click here to send an email to Wall Street CEOs, Executives and Board Members demanding that they don’t fund Line 3 and the Keystone XL.

You would have thought that banks would have got the message by now. When Indigenous Water Protectors were met with brutal police violence at Standing Rock, Wall Street banks lost thousands of customers, as people across the money made the decision to switch to a bank that is more aligned with their values.

Yet they don’t seem to have got the message. In March, Enbridge Energy, the corporation behind Line 3, has a $2.1 billion loan that is due for renewal. Right now, TC Energy, the company behind Keystone XL, is working hard to secure a $4 billion loan it needs to build the pipeline.

Click here to send an email to Wall Street CEOs, Executives and Board Members demanding that they don’t fund Line 3 and the Keystone XL?

Your email will go to the entire JPMorgan Chase board, the CEOs of all of the major banks, as well as executives from BlackRock and Liberty Mutual. It’s essential that these financial executives know that we’re watching.

If enough of us raise our voices, we can stop the money pipeline ― and if we do that, we stop the pipelines.

In solidarity,
Stop the Money Pipeline

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