Hey y’all –
Thank you. The #DefundClimateChaos Week of Art Action was a huge success ― with over 600 activists in 47 US states and 6 Canadian provinces participating, we believe it was the largest coordinated street art action ever!
Can you share this 1-minute #Defund Climate Chaos Week of Arts Action wrap-up video?
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In all, 20,000+ works of art were sent out. They were pasted up on walls, displayed at public pop-up art shows, and used as giant action visuals across North America. Sherbrooke, Quebec, Charlotte, Detroit, Denver, Vancouver, Brooklyn, Boston, Yakima, San Francisco, Honolulu, Burlington, Santa Fe, Roseville, Providence, Port Angeles, Paradise, Philadelphia, Portland, OR, Chicago, Denver, Corvallis were just a few of the cities where the art was used ― there were literally many dozens more.
Here are just a few of the highlights we caught from the week:
As RBC refused to meet with Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs, the art was used inside Royal Bank of Canada’s US headquarters in Minneapolis.
In San Francisco, activists painted a huge mural outside of the country’s largest insurance conference and covered huge swathes of the town in #DefundClimateChaos art
Banks all across Seattle have been plastered in street art & activists got up early one morning to decorate a Chase branch with multiple banners & posters
The TIAA Divest! campaign took the art to the front doors of TIAA in Baltimore.
RBC banks across Quebec were covered in our art & messaging.
Kids, parents and grandparents with Sunrise Kids NYC had fun with the art are their local play park
Paradise, CA Photographer Allen Myers wrote, “One of my portraits of my friend Carrie Max in the ashes of her home was one of 6 featured artworks. In Paradise, we pasted one of the images up in my devastated hometown. It is our goal that those who have been insulated may start to feel what we are already feeling, the climate crisis is here.”
Please help us amplify this week of arts action by sharing the wrap-up video!
In Solidarity
– Alec, David Solnit, and Amy Gray (aka: the #DefundClimateChaos Week of Arts Actions organizing team!)
PS: See all the photos folks shared with us here (or search social media for #defundclimatechaos — it’s kinda cool on there)
Stop the Money Pipeline, Coalition Co-Director
writer’s website: www.alecconnon.com
This list is for coordinating the campaign to push JPMorgan Chase to stop doing business with the fossil fuel industry.
Looking for ways to join the campaign? Check out the Chase Organizing Toolkit: bit.ly/chase-toolkit
Learn more about the campaign: http://ran.org/chase
Many of the groups involved in this campaign are also a part of the Stop the Money Pipeline coalition. Learn more: www.stopthemoneypipeline.com