The first event in the series called How to Spot and Respond to Deception, Manipulation, and Misinformation, is tonight on Thursday January 28th at 6pm!
Join us for an interactive dive into the ways Puget Sound Energy and other fossil fuel companies use deception, manipulation, and misinformation to hide the true health, safety, and climate impacts of fossil fuels like fracked gas. Learn how to spot and effectively respond to these tricks and educate others around you.
Calendar for the Series:
**All events are Thursday at 6pm**
January 28th – How to Spot and Respond to Deception, Manipulation, and Misinformation
February 4th – Financial Flaws
February 11th – Undermining WA Climate Progress
February 18th – Indigenous Sovereignty and Pipeline Politics
February 25th – Solutions for a Healthy, Clean Future
Hope to see you tonight!
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