Solutionary Rail is embarking on a study on how rail can replace barging on the Lower Snake River in Eastern Washington. As part of our research, we recently met Robert Heacock, a historian who knows the Snake River intimately and has imagined alternative recreation opportunities – if the dams get out of the way.
Next Thursday evening, Mr. Heacock will discuss various factors regarding the Lower Snake River dams, salmon, and the Lewis and Clark Expedition sights on the Lower Snake River.
Robert’s presentation will discuss the pros and cons of the dams, dam removal on other rivers, transportation alternatives to barging, and the impact of the dams on both salmon and the seven campsites of the Lewis and Clark Expedition of October, 1805.
About Mr. Heacock:
Robert Heacock is a native of Eastern Washington and an avid outdoorsman who enjoys exploring and sharing the splendor of the Pacific Northwest with others, whether it is by foot, auto or boat. His work career was in agribusiness, insurance claims/Special Investigations, and Project Management. A graduate of Washington State University, Robert is also familiar with the region’s vast agriculture production and exporting.
He has been ‘fiddling around’ since at least 1997 with the story of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Aside from that of the Native Americans, the story of Lewis and Clark Expedition is one of America’ s great adventures, and is the first story in the Pacific Northwest. This has naturally lead to other subjects, such as Thomas Jefferson, Napoleon Bonaparte, early maritime explorers, the vision and desperation of the Astorians and the founding of the fur trade, as well as geology and the Ice Age Floods.
Robert has served as President of the Washington Chapter of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. and is a frequent contributor to the Washington Chapter’s LCTHF newsletter Worthy of Notice. He is also the author of Wind hard from the west – The Lewis and Clark Expedition on the Snake and Columbia Rivers.
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