Our sacred water struggles with a toxic load from multiple fossil fuel projects and pollution. As acidic oceans damage shellfish and salmon populations, orcas are starving.
Tahlequah and her dead baby
From the north end of the Strait of Georgia to Puget Sound and Hood Canal, we are uniting to tell the world and our local decision makers that we demand protection for the Salish Sea bioregion. What we do to the water, we do to ourselves.
On Saturday, September 15th, we will gather together to face these growing threats to our sea. There are currently 9 events planned around the region, with more in the works!
Can you join us at one or more of these events?
- International Coastal Beach Cleanups – Bainbridge Island and multiple locations in Seattle, WA
- Protest & Vigil against Cruise Ships that pollute our climate and melt Arctic sea ice Seattle, WA
- Tacoma Salish Sea Day of Action – Tacoma, WA
- Chanting Mantras for Protection of the Salish Sea – Saltwater State Park, Des Moines
- Pagans, Witches, “Shamanic” Earth-Based Ceremony Salish Sea Day of Action – Shoreline, WA
- Can Sinister Senior Sisters and Señors Save the Salish Sea for Scarlet – Pender Island, Canada
- Salt Spring Island Day of Action – Salt Spring Island, Canada
- Kinder Morgan Pipeline Awareness & Pledge – Vancouver, BC, Canada
Click here to find out about all the events on September 15th and to RSVP
In solidarity,
350 Seattle