From: Deep Roots Camp <info@deeprootscamp.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 9:15 AM
Subject: Deep Roots ACTIONS & Future Action Sharing
To: Deep Roots Camp <info@deeprootscamp.org>
We promised to deliver information about actions coming out of our work together at camp to protect forests, communities and climate.
Get these on your calendars, reach out where indicated and then give us what related climate-forest actions you’ve got so we can share them out as well.
This Sunday, 6/18 Art build in Olympia for Sat 7/15 ACTION in Allyn!
On July 15th the Mosquito Fleet, in response to a request from the Mason County Climate Justice and Lorax coalition, will execute a mid-range community awareness water action to place pressure upon the DNR to cease their attempt to clearcut Sherwood forest. To this point, hundreds of community members in the small Salish Sea city of Allyn have rallied, written letters, attended hearings and have not had their voices heard.
Every year in July the village of Allyn has a three-day festival known as “Allyn Days”. As the largest annual gathering Congressman Kilmer will attend for a “salmon bake”. The Mosquito Fleet will deploy its kayaks, sailboat and various vessels at the Allyn Days festival at a key moment to draw attention to the forest plans of DNR.
Because this action will take place in a small rural town, we are limiting the public face to locals who can best speak to their community. However, we are in need of art making assistance. On June 18 (Father’s day) there will be an art build in Olympia (address to come). We encourage any and all folks to help us make it. On July 15th (day of action), we encourage folks who want to attend Allyn days on shore, to take carpools from Olympia to attend.
We will be reaching out to folks directly for paddlers so please do not show up with boats unless we’ve confirmed. For further information contact: graham@mosquitofleet.us
Camp Sunday 7/1-7/2 & Wed. 7/5 ACTION near Eugene!
Join forest defenders in so-called Oregon for a music festival and skill share in the woods (30 minutes outside of Eugene) July 1st and 2nd. Stay for the night and learn more about how you can plug into a non-violent direct action on July 5th. Location for action TBA, near Eugene.
To learn more, add your contact info here: (If this form doesn’t open, try downloading the “Brave Browser” and paste the link there.) https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/ZIwqADbj1YWjzKYwG5tBrY2IMQbQ3YvrV1-xYKWtyTI/
CALL FOR YOUR Upcoming Forest & Climate Actions/Events:
Please reply to this email with any other forest/climate actions/events you would like shared out. We’ll provide a link to a list of announcements to our website as we collect them from (and for) this community.
Feedback & Reflections: We’ll be asking for yours later this week.
Further Resources (from one of our awesome trainers!)
The Earth first direct action manual: a comprehensive guide covering many types of protest. This is a printed copy. It can be bought to support the work.
This is the manual available online for free
Beautiful trouble types of direct action ideas in the tool box
Online Donations can be made to Deep Roots Action Camp through this link.