Greetings, climate organizing friends at 350 groups all over the PNW,
See our slides from Mondays call for more info and those handy LINKS!
Im happy to be sharing these meeting notes from our regional call this past Monday (so wonderful to see all your faces!) and also regrettably sending these a bit later than Id hoped. Thanks to those of you who helped by capturing so much of this and sending it along, and thank you all with your patience with me as a person with reduced typing function who would really like to do a better job in my turnaround time to you all so I can be truly supportive! Hmmm, this really has me thinking about how much fun it would be to create a regional newsletter with some support from yall…
I hope folx were able to attend the wonderful New Rules for Fossil Fuels event in Washington yesterday, and the Puget Sound Energy Mock Trial today at noon. There is so very much wonderful organizing going on in our region!
Regional Call for Solidarity
Sign + share this petition for federal recognition of the Duwamish tribe: http://chng.it/tg6kB8nQ5Y
New Rule for Fossil Fuels (WA)
From Renaissance (he/him) at 350 Seattle- New Rules For Fossil Fuels: webinar 3/23. Sign on letter for 350 WA local groups in progress and will be ready soon. Big update: Gov. Inslee gave a 2 month addition to Dep. Ecologys previous schedule. In the short term the sign on letter will have a very short turn around BUT the formal hearing period which was supposed to start in April will now be pushed back to May. and this will push back the Zoom hearing (where public testimony will happen) to June/early summer. The decision into law will likely happen Dec 2. instead of October. Stay tuned! ALSO. A sea shanty on the NRFF is coming out in mid April!! Get excited.
Forestry Conservation/Carbon Sequestration
From Patty (she/her) at 350 Eugene: Forest and Climate alliance – brand new! Multi state climate and conservation groups coming together. Interesting to explore together.
Kitsap Environmental Coalitions 10-Year Logging Moratorium Petition in the works. Want to get connected to the conversation? Contact Pedro Valverde (pedrovalverde@centurylink.net), Reed Blanchard (reed.blanchard@gmail.com), Beverly Parsons (bevandpar@aol.com)
New article on this topic in WA
350 Seattle team beginning to form to explore this, too. Reach out to Grace to get further connected!
BBFF Week of Action Updates
New Dates (4/1 – 4/9), New Art, New Video Resources, and Action Ideas: Check the Toolkit for updates and reasons why this date change is a solidarity action. ALSO, be sure to get your groups BBFF event registered HERE, and use your groups Action Network account if you can. There are some great instructions in the toolkit for getting registered!
Week of action updates from local groups!
350 Eugene -Stealth action – March 31st NW natural gas utility. media event/ banner drops/ projections!!! Youth were arrested last Friday and they’re coming back for more. Bank action with blow up dinosaurs! 350 Juneau – April 2nd action for BBFF. And we have a victory to celebrate from Mike at 350 Juneau – a coastal gas link pipeline project has been ended! Chevron pulled out of the project!!! Its going down. 350 Wenatchee is doing a sidewalk art protest, 350 Spokane is doing oil and coal trains with the local Sunrise group, 350Deschutes is doing an amazing train track messaging event, and 350 Seattle is doing some great Stop Line 3 art. And other groups are considering what they might do to help throw down for this great week of action!
PSE Organizing!
Stacy 350 Seattle – PSE: mock trial of PSE. on Wednesday March 24. NEED MORE JURORS. PSE: On Trial in the Court of Public Opinion Wednesday 3/24 12pm. Facebook Event: https://fb.me/e/E81WA4IR. Letters on Gas investigation – Stacy will share more information. Stacy@350Seattle.org if you are in PSE service territory and want to chat about them or get resources!
Global Just Recovery Gathering – our global communitys climate retreat!
Ever wondered how to share 350.orgs global work with your local group or how to learn from climate activists in another part of the world? If so, read on! 350.org is organizing a virtual global just recovery gathering April 9-11th aimed at skilling up the climate movement, with inspiring panels and trainings and intersectional connections across movements. While we encourage you to check out the full program, here are highlights of US team offerings, including multiple sessions led by local group leaders!
The gathering will be intergenerational, multilingual and inclusive around access needs; interpretation and access requests are noted on the registration form. Many sessions held during US time zones will have Spanish/ English interpretation. We look forward to seeing you and thousands of our global colleagues soon!
For 350 Local Groups, heres 5 ways you can get involved and support the event:
- Pre-register to attend!
- Help to promote the event broadly with your group and partners in your community (via email lists, websites and social media channels).
- Help to promote the event with new/ potential volunteers who youre hoping to engage and circle back with them around local opportunities to stay involved (well also be letting gathering attendees know about ways to be involved with 350s national campaigns).
- Plan a distanced watch-party where you and others from your local group attend sessions (from your own homes) at the same time and then discuss together at a future meeting.
- Decide which sessions (the schedule will be posted later this month) folks from your group will attend and report back on key learnings at a future meeting.
Grace Hope, they/them
PNW Regional Organizer, 350.org
Organizing on the ancestral lands of the Puyallup
Ps, thank you to all who joined! Look at these great faces.