Thank you for sending letters to Congress to oppose Senator Manchin’s dirty deal on fast-tracking fossil fuel projects.
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Team Third Act
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Tell Congress to Vote NO on Senator Manchin’s dirty deal to fasttrack oil and gas pipelines and sell-off public lands and waters for fossil fuel projects.
I just took this action alert and wrote my Members of Congress and urged them to vote NO on Senator Manchin’s pipeline permitting bill. Please join me and do the same to protect our public lands and waters, clean air, and a livable future! Click on the icons to share this action on Facebook and Twitter. You can email the action link to friends, family, neighbors, and others and tell them why this action is important to you.
Click HERE to send your own email to your members of Congress today.
Thank you!
Learn more: Please read Bill McKibben’s Substack here to learn more about why this bill is such a bad idea and why it’s actually in real trouble and we have a chance to defeat it.
Third Act
Sustainable Markets Foundation – 45 West 36th Street 6th Floor | New York, New York 10018-7635
516-582-5282 |
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