In this upcoming legislative session, we need state legislators to take bold action to support an equitable recovery that leads to a more climate-resilient future. 

I am asking you to support the Climate Alliance’s Resilient Future Platform outlining key relief and recovery policies for the 2021 legislative session that can set us on a path toward a climate-resilient future for generations to come. 

  • .Pass the Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act to make sure our most impacted communities have a voice at the decision-making table and a healthy future for generations to come. 
  • Invest in a clean and just transportation system that is efficient, affordable, creates living-wage jobs, cleans our air, and ensures a sustainable climate. 
  • Update the Washington Growth Management Act to make sure we address climate change, affordable housing, and environmental justice in our state’s land use planning.
  • Pass progressive funding that drives down pollution and supports climate-resilient investments.
  • Pass an equitable carbon pricing policy that reduces pollution and supports the just transition of workers and communities away from a harmful fossil fuel economy and into a clean and resilient future.
  • Create a state public bank to make sure our tax dollars stay in Washington and invest in our communities, not lining the pockets of wall street’s fossil fuel financiers. 
  • Re-prioritize our state budget away from extractive and exploitative practices that criminalize, incarcerate and harm the health of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) communities and instead invest in the equitable distribution of sustainable investments in climate resiliency and the health and safety of BIPOC communities. 
  • Invest in the immediate and long-term relief that directly supports communities hit hardest by the health, environmental, and economic crisis. 
  • Pass the Buy Clean and Buy Fair Washington Act and enact clean and just state public purchasing and contracting that centers good job creation, equity, and the environment to ensure that every dollar of state spending delivers public good.

In this upcoming legislative session, we must look bigger, bolder at this crisis, invest in critical community services, create new job opportunities, and prioritize those most impacted first. The question is not whether we can recover, but whether our recovery will lift up those most impacted and lead us to a climate-resilient future. 

The Resilient Future Platform lays out the vision for bold action. With your support, Washington state can and must lead an equitable and just transition to a clean and resilient economy.

