54 days. The last five years of work hinges on what we do in the next 54 days.
It’s going to take a near unprecedented grassroots campaign to win this election. So if you’ve been waiting to get involved, now is the time.
Join us Tuesday for an evening with Bill McKibben!
Our friend, Author, and founder of 350.org will join us for an evening at Washington Hall to talk about the Climate Crisis and the opportunity for action with 1631. He’ll be joined by EarthJustice President Amy Dillen and other special guests.
Time to hit the phones! Our calling program is up and running! We need to fill 2,500 calling shifts between now and election day. Unlike canvassing you can use our dialer from the comfort of your couch, with just your laptop and phone. Can you call from home? Signup for a calling shift here!
Small Business Endorsements – We have signs for small businesses and a goal of sweeping up 200 small business endorsements. Ask your favorite coffee shop, your yoga studio, or maybe you own your own small business. Email Lauren@yeson1631.org to request signs and we’ll mail them to you.
This week we want to highlight Pauline Druffle of Spokane, WA. Pauline has been on the campaign since the signature gathering drive. Local organizer, Jennyfer Mesa says she is a stellar volunteer recruiter calling in the evenings to build our Spokane program. Thanks to her work, we have over 30 canvass shifts heading out across the eastern part of the state this weekend. Thanks for all that you do, Pauline!
Canvass/Message Training Webinar
Want to get a head start on the canvassing script? Want to know the tips and tricks on how to answer hard questions at the door? We’re holding two webinars a week for folks to learn how to talk about this campaign at the door and how to answer frequently asked questions. (Note: It is not required to attend one of these before attending a canvass, just some extra prep!)
You can join the training on Tuesday or Thursday from 7:00pm – 8:00pm: RSVP FOR A WEBINAR HERE
If you missed it, VoterCircle is a rad new friend-to-friend outreach tool that lets you ID which of your friends are Washington Voters and quickly send them a message about the campaign.
Write a letter to the editor (LTE)
Thanks to everyone who submitted letters to the editor last week! Remember the best letters are personal stories that explain why you believe in 1631, as opposed to policy explanations. We’ve created an LTE guide with some great samples Check it out here
Volunteer Code of Conduct:
Yes On 1631 Volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and experiences. To ensure everyone is respected and empowered on our campaign we’ve established a volunteer code of conduct. Please read it here.
Paid for by Clean Air Clean Energy WA
Contributions to Clean Air Clean Energy WA are not tax deductible.
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