

Last week volunteers knocked on doors all across Washington, having real conversations with voters about Initiative 1631.

We’re off to a great start, but the only way we’ll overcome Big Oil’s dirty money is if everyone helps out. That’s why you are needed!

I understand that talking to voters at their doors might be intimidating for some people. That’s why we’re offering canvassing/messaging webinars twice a week to give you an opportunity to practice our talking points and ask questions before you get out on the doors.

Click here to RSVP for a canvass webinar. Webinars are held every Tuesday and Thursday @ 7 PM

(Look how much fun these canvassers in Issaquah are having!)

On the webinar, we’ll go over what canvassing will be like, review our scripts and practice answering frequently asked questions. You’ll also have plenty of time to ask questions.

If you care about passing I-1631, but aren’t quite prepared to get out on the doors, these webinars are for you!

Together we can prove WA > Big Oil

Ahmed Gaya
Field Director, Yes On 1631

P.S. If you’re ready to canvass now, you are needed! Find an event at YesOn1631.org/Events



Paid for by Clean Air Clean Energy WA

Contributions to Clean Air Clean Energy WA are not tax deductible.

All content © 2018 Clean Air Clean Energy WA, All Rights Reserved
4​34‌7 Roo‌s​ev‌el‌t W‌ay N‌E, S‌ea​ttl‌e, W‌A 9​8‌1‌05
20‌6​-5‌35-​661‌7 | in‌fo@yes‌on16‌31.o‌rg | y‌eson1‌631‌.o‌r‌g
Top 5 contributors: The Nature Conservancy, Craig McKibben, Sarah Merner, Chris Stolte, Washington Environmental Council

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